If you think you can get the lowest hotel price by waiting for a last minute deal, you will likely end up paying a lot more for your trip. In this article, we are going to share with you a statistics report to help you get the best deal.

According to a TripAdvisor report, the best time to book a hotel depends on where you want to visit. For example, if you want to go to Europe in the summer, be sure to choose to book when the rates are the lowest. In the same way, the money you need also depends on the region you want to visit. Here are some common hotel booking mistakes you may want to avoid.

Waiting too long to book a hotel in Europe

In summer, Europe is the most popular with tourists. According to the report, in Berlin, you can save up to 33% if you choose to book at least a few months before the season. There are some cities where you don’t have to worry about booking. They are Paris and Istanbul. The reason is that these cities have more than enough hotel rooms. So that won’t be a problem for you.

Book too early

In Asia, you don’t have to spend a lot to spend your vacation unlike in Europe. For example, in Dubai, even if you book two months before the season, you can save up to 40%.

Booking more than 5 months before your trip

Booking more than 5 months in advance will cost you more in the case of some places covered by the study. However, two exceptions are Moscow and Barcelona. For these places, you can choose to book up to 7 months in advance and still save a lot. In fact, traveling to Moscow can offer you up to 55% discount, which is a huge sum.

Worrying about the offers of the summer season in the Caribbean

Conventionally, in the Caribbean, low season prices can help you save a considerable sum of money. You don’t have to worry about when to book for the best deal, as booking when the prices are the lowest can save you up to 7%, which isn’t much. In other words, you can enjoy the lowest prices no matter when you choose to book.

Thinking about last minute savings for expensive cities

If you’re visiting New York City, know that you can’t get the best deals for summer travel. However, if you still want to save a considerable sum of money, consider booking 30-60 days before your trip. This can help you cut your expenses by 25%.

Simply put, the next time you book a hotel for your next trip, we suggest that you read this article again if you want to avoid common mistakes. The idea is to make the best decision. Hopefully this will help you get the most out of your trip while saving you a considerable sum.

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