As an Android family vendor, you will need to understand how the wind blows with Android family devices. Until the end of 2010, there was no doubt that Android phones would bring the most sales. However, the technological incubation that took place in the tablet labs for most of 2009 saw the introduction of the new generation of Android tablets in 2010.

The best of the past year has been spent by tech device analysts analyzing usage, stats, and feature-by-feature aspects of Android phones and Android tablets (of all brands) to find the ideal all-in-one device (if any). possible) for technology. -intelligent consumer. The result is that users choose phones or tablets based on what they really want to do with them.

Feature Comparison Between Phones and Tablets

Get to know the features of your Android Tablet PC as this is where you can make the incredible sales. If you have a buyer request that has just these specs: a big screen, a touch screen, and Wi-Fi, it would be embarrassing if you had to support an Android phone when what they’re essentially looking for is an Android tablet.

Also, not all buyers are knowledgeable about hardware and performance and may need your help.

Gamers, movie viewers will buy tablets

So as a retailer, wholesaler or direct seller you will need to put your pulse on Android tablets as this is where all those users who are big on browsing, catching up on movies – old reruns/new movies and (in the great father of all computer activities) games, it will be heading towards. Over the six to eight months, buyers tend to choose these tablets as they have all the major features they’ll use and Bluetooth, Wi-Fi for the normal amount of phone calls and texts they’ll be making.

Longer battery life will make the tablet a better choice

There is another technical aspect that both devices have problems with: battery life. Big screen phones consume a lot of power. The bottom line with big-screen phones is that larger batteries can’t fit into smaller phone bodies. The older widescreen phone used smaller batteries, but the latest ones come with a larger battery. However, they don’t measure up to the 24+ hour backup that Android tablets can provide, even if the buyer used them optimally.

In addition, on the subject of connectivity, the tablet has greater capabilities. Chips included in both are WiFi, HSDPA, GSM/CDMA, Bluetooth as standard features. However, with greater scope for work or entertainment available on Android tablets, these are the choice. The Samsung Galaxy is also enabled to make calls. EA and Sony are creating more and more Android-only games.

Prices favor tablets

Then the issue of price is another factor that will influence the choice between Android phone and Android tablet.

A close look at Amazon will show that the Samsung Galaxy (a tablet) with 3G connectivity and full features will cost about the same as the Google Nexus (a phone).

Tablets will be the next wave of communications and computing, with each passing month, more and more features and capabilities will be added, making them more powerful and useful. The tablet is where the fork between conventional PCs and phones will become very clear. And how Tablet will become the surviving species.

To be the top seller of Android tablets, your USP will be your proficient knowledge of tablets and an understanding that different types of usage will require different features on the tablet. So, here is how to make profit on android tablets.

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