Big on authenticity, they tend to call things by name, and perhaps somewhat low on empathy as a consequence, 8 types tend to thrive on challenges and are prepared to deal with just about anything life has to offer. . They see themselves as the “knights” of the kingdom and their job is to protect the innocent and less capable.

Their underlying motivation is a feeling of weakness, so to avoid this, Type 8s develop a greater sense of power. You can feel their presence as soon as they enter a room. These personality types thrive in the military or political world. On a positive note, their personality makeup means that they are extremely resourceful and will always stand up for those they see as less capable. They also encourage others to have more faith in themselves and to stand firm in their convictions.

They tend to believe that the end justifies the means, so they manipulate situations in their favor. They tend to see situations in black and white, which can make them inflexible. Your underlying desire is power, not prestige, which can lead to harassment. They have the innate ability to detect a weakness in their opponents. They may not always win the battle, but if you face them, you will know that you have been in a fight.

Do you think you can fit into the role of Confronter / Boss?

  • Do you often find yourself fighting for other people’s rights without fear of repercussions?
  • Are you more irritated by people who take years to clarify a point?
  • Are you a natural leader?
  • Do you think you are a practical person, that is, the one who does the work?

Some tips to help bring out the positive side of your personality type:

  • Learn to control your “troubled” side.
  • Life is not black and white. Humans create complex problems and it is not always clear which is the “right” side.
  • Learn to allow others to take the lead sometimes.
  • Learn to manage your anger appropriately. Suppressing your angry feelings is not enough, as that can also cause problems.

Work on your tendency to bully and be controlling. Focus on remembering that not everyone is created equal – some are not as strong as others and it is these people who need your protection, not the ones who are stalking.

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