Everyone knows that cats are cleaner than dogs across the board. Especially your grooming needs. Cats tend to require a clean, safe, and private area to use. The dog simply drops his pants when and where he feels the need.

For this fact alone it is absolutely essential that you make your cat comfortable with his litter tray. This becomes more important as they are not house trained and the cat NEEDS to know where to go, when he has to go. A good litter tray will save you time, effort, and money cleaning up after them.

So how do you go about choosing a good litter tray?
There are several things to keep in mind and that is what we are going to discuss. Is it so

1. It should be spacious enough for the cat to use comfortably.
2. It must be easy to get in and out.
3. It should be easy to keep clean and replenish trash.

There are so many different types of litter boxes on the market that listing them all here would be ridiculous. However, I will cover some of the more popular types and give my personal recommendation at the end.

Sand tray: different types

The simplest and easiest to use is the open tray. Usually plastic and open on all sides with no roof, this allows for easy in and out and easy cleaning. However, it does not give the cat privacy.

Self-cleaning models: These are what are called self-cleaning in the sense that they remove cat waste from the tray, ready for you, the owner, to dispose of.

Then there’s the covered guy. These offer privacy for the cat, but as the cat grows it will require more space and therefore a larger box.

My personal favorite is the first. It’s got all the necessary checkmarks in the right boxes and on the privacy issue, just put it somewhere private. As for cleaning it, that’s your job. End of story; If you don’t want to do it, why have a pet?

One area that is often overlooked is the type of litter you use. Always, and I mean, always ask the person you got the cat from what type of litter they use and stick with that type. The reason is that the kitten or cat will have used it before and is now at least remotely familiar with that type. This makes the cat feel comfortable using the new tray at home instead of wearing his shoes!

Remember that as a cat gets older, it gets bigger. Yes, that’s obvious, but how many people remember to buy a bigger litter tray?

Be honest!

Yes, as the cat grows, so does the tray and so does what the cat puts in it, yuck!


So let’s recap then. To save time, money, and effort on potty training your cat, it’s essential that you choose the right type of cat litter and litter tray.

My personal recommendation is to use an open pan with sides about 2-3 inches deep. This makes it easy to access even for a kitten and deep enough for an adequate amount of litter to retain odors. The open design variety also makes it much easier to clean. Just put it in a private place for the cat to use.

There you have it, a guaranteed way to put your cat at ease and reduce the time, effort and money it CAN take to train your cat.

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