Not sure what you’re looking for? There is something for everyone. Would you prefer a clairvoyant or medium, Tarot cards or the I-Ching, the expertise of an astrologer or numerologist, or a spiritual guide to help you through prayers and meditation? There is something for everyone looking for phone psychic readings.

Once you’ve explored the variety of psychic phone readings available, the next step is to decide which area of ​​your life would benefit the most from a psychic’s advice. Do you have questions about a romance or relationship, money problems or a career decision, health and healing, the well-being of your beloved pet, or curious about future events?

Keep in mind; Psychic phone readings are for entertainment purposes only. The information provided during phone psychic readings should not take the place of professional medical advice or therapeutic advice.

An accepting mind is vital to psychic phone readings. The message is for you and you alone to interpret and relate the meaning to the query you initially presented to the psychic over the phone. Psychics believe that the key is to trust yourself because you have free will and you can always change the direction of your life, regardless of what reading you receive. Just enjoy your reading and the tips given.

The duration of psychic phone readings will depend on your relationship with the psychic, but the minimum reading is usually 15-20 minutes, with an average of 30-45 minutes.

Introductory rates can be as low as $1 per minute with some calls nearly $10 per minute. Some providers reduce the cost per minute as minutes increase for returning customers. Confirm the fee information before connecting for psychic readings over the phone. For an additional fee, an audio cassette recording of the actual reading can be mailed to you for each of your phone psychic readings.

A clear and relaxed state of mind is the best way to maximize the results of phone psychic readings. Focus on two or three important questions you seek advice on and try to eliminate other distracting thoughts before connecting with a phone psychic. Whenever possible, turn off the television and radio and make the call from a quiet room without distractions or interruptions. Avoid doing daily tasks like washing dishes and laundry during your consultation with a telephone psychic.

Be prepared to take notes to follow up on the information provided by the phone psychic, and keep an open mind to the possibility of seeing your life and current situation from a new perspective. If you feel that the telephone psychic advice you are receiving does not in any way apply to your question, politely thank the psychic advisor and hang up as soon as possible.

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