did you know Most of us are in a food rut. We eat the same foods prepared in the same way day after day. There are pros and cons to this behavior. If you’re eating healthy, nutrient-rich, whole foods, this isn’t too bad. If you’re trying to lose weight, eating the same things simplifies your choices and makes it easier to stick to your plan. On the other hand, eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day can get boring and lead to binge eating. You are also more likely to develop food sensitivities.

A great way to improve your health is to try some healthy foods that you don’t normally include in your daily diet. Here are some of my absolute favorites that you may not be familiar with that are staples of my daily menus:

chia seeds
This nutrient-dense food is a great source of soluble fiber and essential fatty acids. I put a tablespoon in my oatmeal and quinoa for breakfast, in my smoothies, and bake in muffins!

Coconut oil
One of the healthiest fats you can use! It is a great source of medium chain fatty acids that are beneficial for weight loss. Contains lauric acid that fights bacteria and viruses. It has a high smoke point and is the best fat for cooking and baking. I cook my eggs in coconut oil and spread them on whole-grain toast and put a dollop in my smoothies!

This underused vegetable is loaded with vitamins and is one of the best liver and blood cleansers out there. It’s delicious roasted with a little coconut oil and a pinch of sea salt or just grated raw on your salad.

Sprouts – especially broccoli sprouts
These nutritional powerhouses are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that can prevent cancer and reduce inflammation. I put some in my smoothie in the morning and sprinkle some on my salads. Also include them in your sandwiches and wraps.

Green Foods: Spirulina and Chlorella
Spirulina is an algae that contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb. It is the richest protein food: more than 60% of all digestible vegetable proteins. It has the highest concentration of beta-carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals, and the rare essential fatty acid GLA. All of this makes spirulina a great whole food alternative to the typical multivitamin pill. I start each day with a green drink based on spirulina. It’s the one thing I won’t do without!

Chlorella is another nutrient-rich superfood that contains 60% protein, 18 amino acids (including all essential amino acids), and various vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent detoxifier, especially for removing heavy metals from the body. It has even been used to help protect the body from the effects of radiation cancer treatments. It is one of my pillars too. I cycle Chlorella with Kamut or other cereal grass powders in my green drinks.

beans and vegetables
A great source of soluble fiber, vegetable protein and low in fat. What more could you want? They are a delicious addition to your salad; pureed, they can be “hidden” in pasta sauce, burgers, even brownies and cookies, increasing the nutritional value! Black, red, pink, white and cannellini beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas – take your pick!

Grain seeds: quinoa, millet, buckwheat and amaranth
To satisfy your craving for grains and avoid wheat, try one of these gluten-free superfoods. Use them for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. They even feed the good bacteria in your digestive tract and allow your body to make serotonin. Just be sure to soak or sprout them before cooking.

Nuts and seeds
Walnuts are one of the best sources of vegetable protein; rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytonutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium; they contain plant sterols and heart-healthy omega-3 fats. They are high in calories, so use them sparingly, but definitely use them! Unsalted, raw are best and soaking releases the nutrition.
Seeds like pumpkin, flax, sesame, sunflower (and chia above) are a great way to add lignans, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and essential fatty acids to your meals. Sprinkle over oatmeal or salad for added crunch and nutrition or add it to your favorite muffin or pancake recipe.

yogurt and kefir
These fermented foods are loaded with probiotics (good bacteria). They provide easily digestible calcium, help with regularity, and produce B vitamins. My only caution is to make sure I choose plain, unflavored kefir and yogurt. The flavored ones have too much sugar. You can add a little vanilla extract, stevia, or cinnamon and mix with fruit for a refreshing snack.

There are countless health benefits that come with consuming eggs: they are packed with easily absorbable vitamins and minerals, as well as lecithin and choline; a great source of protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. Eggs are no longer the “bad guys”! Choose organic, free-range, or omega-3 eggs for the best nutritional quality.

These are just a few (very) of my favorite healthy foods. Try to include some in your meals and it will automatically increase the nutritional value. Don’t forget to use spices and herbs, liberally! That’s the easiest way to add flavor, color, interest, and nutrients to your meals.

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