Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have full control over your finances?

If you are like most normal people, you have a job. You go to your work every day. Every week, two weeks, or a month, you receive a paycheck for a certain amount.

You have taxes.
The government, in an effort to make your life easier, takes something like a third of your paycheck without you having to do anything.

You have problems.
For example, one day you get a speeding ticket and then your insurance increases. Or your car breaks down. Or lose your job!

Then you have wishes.
All humans do, some more than others. You may want new living room furniture, a new television or stereo, new clothes … whatever. You can wish it all at once. Every now and then you can’t control yourself and one of your wishes is fulfilled.

Therefore you have debt!
Debt makes up the difference between income and expenses. For most people, everyday debts go with a credit card, and large items like cars and houses are handled with more formal loans. Debt itself is not bad. The problem arises when debt accumulates for no apparent reason. Problems and desires would push your credit card balance up every month because there is nowhere else the money can come from.

See what you don’t have in the above scenario?
No savings program is mentioned. Not a retirement plan. There is no particular hope of reaching future financial goals. No safety net! And most importantly, without peace of mind, without a sense of control, without control of your life and finances.

Let’s be honest!
Investment planning is not the activity of choice for most people. If we had our way, the various pieces of our financial life would magically fall into place. All of our financial needs would be met effortlessly without spending a minute of time planning!

Unfortunately, real life doesn’t work that way!
Understanding your finances takes more time and effort than ever in today’s ever-changing economic environment. You likely have many different and sometimes conflicting financial goals. Deciding how to achieve those goals requires careful planning.

So is there a solution to this problem?
The answer is “maybe!” …
But it takes a big mental change and if you are willing to make the mental change, the answer is yes!

Turns out there is a different way to live life. This way of life involves figuring out what it is you really want to do and what is really important to you as an individual, and then working towards those goals rather than proceeding haphazardly.

What you gain in the process is a sense of control and satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment, which is hard to beat.

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