In this current decade of the 21st century, many people say that we are actually experiencing the effects of global warming, in the form of changing weather patterns and an increase in natural disasters around the world. However, there are some people who still claim that global warming is a hoax, or even claim that it does not exist. What are three arguments that could support global warming denial?

1. Increased solar activity

Could ‘global warming’ be a hoax, and the real reasons behind our changing climate are due to increased activity from the sun?

There are very strong and convincing arguments that since the mid-1970s, the Sun has changed and the effects on Earth’s climate are a direct result of solar storms.

This is the weapon of the “global warming” conspiracy theorists, where our representatives are aware of this greater danger, and could explain why some governments seem to lack real motivation to encourage the use of alternative energy.

2. Local weather phenomena

Over the past few centuries, some types of records have been kept about local climatic conditions. The “minor” ice age of the 17th century was one example, but some records also show that the abnormal weather we are experiencing today has reoccurred in the past.

Ancient tree stumps dating back over a thousand years, record the weather through their rings, dendrochronologists– read these rings, determining what local weather conditions were like in the past, and historians relate this data to historical events, such as the end of the Roman empire.

When the Roman Empire faded into a century of decline towards its final fall around 500 AD. C., tree-ring data showed that the climate had gotten progressively worse and perhaps aided the fall of the greatest of ancient empires. Could Global Warming simply be a series of changes in local weather patterns?

3. A scam to make money?

Some cynics claim that global warming is just another scam by a group of think tanks and lobbyists who can manipulate public opinion and get rich in the process. The fact that many of the expert meetings take place in some of the world’s most exotic locations, and that some governments that espouse the “global warming” theory seem lukewarm in their own response to a serious problem, could help support this theory.

Al Gore has been heralded as an example of the hypocrisy within this think tank. Famous for “losing” one of the closest presidential elections in history and later known for his series of lectures on the environment. Al Gore showed no effort in fighting global warming personally, his home was in many ways a showcase for a denier, rather than a believer in global warming. Is it just another scam to make money?

So is global warming simply the result of increased solar activity, local weather events, or just a scam? Changing weather patterns and a sharp rise in natural disasters have meant that something is wrong with our planet’s natural environment, but is it really Global Warming?

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