You can probably think of ways that adults could have helped you in your childhood so that you would have had a head start in life. If he has children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, godchildren, or mentors or teaches children, maybe he helps them in ways he didn’t. Below are some metaphysical ways you can give kids an edge in this world.

Meditate daily. This will help you stay calm and centered so that you can react to your child in the best way possible. When he’s old enough to sit with you and concentrate, you can also teach him how to meditate. Think of the advantage you will have in all areas of life if you learn to tune out distractions and find your inner peace.

Clean your energy. Spiritual debris is everywhere and children are most vulnerable to it. Cleaning yourself and your home will also benefit your children.

Do not drink heavily or use drugs anywhere near your children. Spiritual troublemakers come running to people who go overboard, and these lower energy forms can also target the weaker energy of children. But even if you do it away from your children, you are still setting an example for them.

Consider a numerology or astrology reading for your child. A good comprehensive numerology or astrology reading can help you realize your child’s talents and abilities so that he can encourage them in the right direction for future success. You can also uncover potential problem areas so you know what to help them work on.

Look at the signs of past lives. If you are especially good at something, you may have done it before in past lives. cheer him up An unexplained fear can also be a carryover, and you can help him deal with it with your conscience.

Pay attention to dreams. Encourage your children to think about what their dreams mean to them so that they learn how the subconscious mind speaks to us in dreams. Nightmares of being chased may indicate rampaging spirits in the area.

Pay attention to your “imagination”. Sometimes imaginary friends are more than that. Children, usually up to about age 7, are more capable of perceiving ghosts or lost souls. Sometimes imaginary friends are harmless, but if you sense something unseen that is negative for your child, use spiritual cleansing to send them into the Light.

Teach your child acceptance. By being an example, you will show him the best way to handle difficult situations that you cannot change.

Teach your child to forgive. By being an example, you will show him the power of forgiveness and what it is like for you, not the perpetrator.

Teach your child gratitude. Expressing gratitude for the circumstances, things, and people in your life will show you how gratitude can act like a magic wand to help deal with conflict and bring more good things into your life.

Teach your child to respect and trust their intuition. This can be with or without meditation. Children often just “know” things. Pay attention to this and help him develop it.

Teach your children about karma. Help her realize that good deeds will breed more of the same in the future, and how destructive behavior comes back to you, too.

Teach your child about life after death. Help him understand that death is not an end, but a transformation, and that we will all meet again.

Teach your child how to be of service to others. Help him realize that even a small, seemingly insignificant but loving gesture can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Don’t encourage fairy tales of love life. When she’s ready to date, help her understand that everyone has many soulmates, each may be destined for a different purpose (not always marriage or together forever in happiness), and relationships that start at a very young age aren’t always meant to be. They are meant to be for life.

Turn off video games and television. This isn’t really metaphysical advice, but it’s still important. Help your teens learn basic life skills like budgeting, cooking healthy meals, exercising every day, scheduling a productive schedule, avoiding procrastination, how to deal with difficult people in a positive way, making decisions and taking responsibility. responsibility for their actions.

Solve your own problems so you don’t project them onto your child. Heal yourself so your child doesn’t have to heal because of you.

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