Season 3 of Hannah Montana aired on the Disney Channel in the 2008-2009 season. Here are 4 episodes to enjoy season 3 of the series:

The episode titled “He’s not a hottie, he’s my brother” aired on November 2, 2008. In this episode, Miley discovers that Lilly and Jackson like each other, so she tries to keep them apart by telling both of them that the others don’t. They are interested. In the end, Miley wakes up and realizes that it was just a dream and Lilly tells her that she is not interested in Jackson.

The episode called “Ready, Set, Don’t Drive” aired on November 9, 2008. In this episode, Miley wants to get her driver’s license, but somehow manages to get licensed as Hannah Montana and then is arrested because she shows a police officer Hannah Montana’s license while she was Milly. Now he must convince the policeman that he has a double identity.

The episode titled “Don’t Go Breaking My Tooth” aired on November 16, 2008. In this episode, Miley wants to show her father that she grew up going to the dentist on her own when she loses a filling, but it turns out that her dentist usual is not available, so he freaks out and leaves. In the same episode, Oliver tries to be a vegetarian to impress a girl.

The episode called “You Never Give Me My Money” aired on November 23, 2008. In this episode, Miley receives a raise for her allowance when Robby gives her $ 5,000 of the money Hannah earned and she tries to prove that she is no longer a Shopaholic by not spending any money at all, so she hands her checkbook to Lilly and then thinks better of it.

If you enjoy watching the previous episodes, be sure to watch the entire Hannah Montana season 3!

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