(Goal -noun- the result or achievement towards which the effort is directed)

How many of you have goals set in your life? Waking up with a sense of purpose and direction of where your life is going? Everyone has something where they want to be, right? Perhaps to graduate from college and get a well-paying job, or to become a musician or sports athlete. Whatever your goals are, I want you to think about how often you actually achieve your goals or work towards those goals. Sure, it’s easy to set goals and have an idea of ​​what you want to do, but how hard is it really to achieve your goals…? This is what I want to talk to you about here.

I want to start the rest of this post by telling you that I’m only going to briefly go over how to set and make goals, but I’ll spend the rest of the time talking about how to achieve and make your goals a reality.


Before you go anywhere, you should know where you’re going, right? You literally do not go anywhere, at any time, EVER without having a final destination in mind. Know exactly where you want to go before you start that journey, just like you would if you had to hit a big dump and were about to shit your pants. Your butt would find a bathroom no matter what it cost if you were about to poop, right? The principle is the same! If you want it, you must go get it.

So have your goals mapped out with the same intensity and desire as if your butt is about to explode in public. Do whatever it takes to find that bathroom!

2. Did I already say this? but…SERIOUSLY, KNOW YOUR GOALS!!!

It’s okay, seriously. Just to hit the nail on the head here, you need to know where you’re going before you start your journey! Do yourself a favor and write a map (literally) where the X at the bottom of the page is your target (the bathroom) and at the top is the start (the snippet you just dropped). Now follow the lines and start completing your trip (the trip to the nearest bathroom while staying unnoticed). Doing this could literally take less than 5 minutes (or however long you choose), but those 5 minutes will immediately change your life.

The same principle applies to ANY goal you want to accomplish, big or small. Whether to lose 5 lbs. or to become a billionaire, know where you want to go and then plan your journey on how to get there.


Setting goals is the easy part of this process, but what about achieving your goals and making them a reality? How do you know when to stop making lists and start working toward what you want? “The time is always NOW.” Start right away with what it is you need to accomplish (your belly is rumbling). Start thinking about how to get where you’re going (that bathroom) and what exactly you’re going to have to do to get there (ie come up with some clever excuse to get away from all your friends in a hurry). ).

Values. Nothing can be done without action (think about finding that bathroom). You have to get up and move first (or else you’ll poop yourself and no one likes the kid with the poopy pants). Don’t let your target stay on that piece of paper, or bounce around the room in your head. Take action towards what you want to achieve (or else you’ll just have poo in your pants).

Now I know it’s easy for me to sit here and tell you how to achieve your goals, but how can I lead someone else for something that I may not be doing myself? For this part of the post, I have decided not to tell you how to achieve your goals, but rather I will show you. “Hope for?” That’s right, I’m going to show you how to achieve goals and how it’s done by putting myself to the test.

For the next 30 days (until December 31), I’m going to set personal goals for myself and work toward them every day. And while I’m at it, I’m going to document my progress and post helpful tips that I’m learning along the way. It may be easy to tell another person how to achieve goals, but it may not be very effective in motivating them. So I decided to take on the challenge myself and document all the details and principles necessary to achieve any goal.

I’m going to post my goals here for all to see, and a few times a week I’ll check in and update everyone with my progress, as well as any helpful tips along the way. I’m doing this because I want to be a personal representation of what it means to achieve big or small goals and hopefully motivate someone else to do the same. The time is always hell now, and there is no better time (literally) than to start right away.

So here I am going to post some daily, weekly and monthly goals for myself. I’ll be updating them regularly for the next 30 days and keeping track of my progress with any helpful hints or tips I can think of to reach the goals (if any haha). Wish me luck.


-Drink 64 oz. of water
-Meditate for at least 5 minutes
-Take a protein shake.


-Training every two days


-Have a 6 pack (for LH)
-Create and complete 1 song
-Weight 215 lbs (currently 210 lbs)
-Volunteer for the holidays

These are my personal goals, but feel free to write your own goal sheet (you can see I want to get in better shape). But even if it’s just daily goals and something as simple as “don’t forget to floss,” I encourage you to give it a try. I hope this helps!

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