Taking a good shower before going to bed has become a habit for many people. It makes us feel nice and clean, helps us relax, and puts us in a good mood for sleep. However, for some people, nighttime showers can be the cause of unsightly breakouts. Can showering at night really cause acne?

There are many components to a simple shower: the type of water, the soap or cleansers used to cleanse the skin, and the use of scrubs or scrubs. Hard water can be harsher on skin because it has more undissolved minerals like zinc, magnesium, and calcium that can break down skin proteins and dry it out. When skin becomes dry and irritated, it can become even more prone to acne. Check your water supply if your water is treated or not. Having your water treated can make all the difference to clearer, healthier skin.

The temperature of the shower can also make a difference in the health of the skin. Taking a long, hot shower before bed will actually do your skin more harm than good. This is because extreme heat can strip the skin of the protective layer of fat and oil that keeps it soft and hydrated. This makes it more prone to drying out. When the skin compensates by producing excess oil, this could lead to even more breakouts.

If you feel the need to take a nightly bath, it’s best to take a warm (not hot!) shower. In addition to being gentler on your skin, warm water helps expand your pores so that built-up dirt and bacteria are easier to wash away. A nice warm shower can also help soothe tense muscles and relax the body, perfect preparation for a good night’s sleep.

To get the most out of your shower, try using a medicated cleanser or soap that suits your acne type. This is especially helpful if you have back and body acne, as the nightly cleansing ritual will help speed up the healing process. If you have mild whiteheads or small pimples, use a salicylic acid-based cleanser and use a scrub or loofah twice a week to help with your acne. For larger pustules and pimples, use a benzoyl peroxide-based cleanser on your back and other affected areas (not your entire body!). Take care not to rub or over-exfoliate the skin as this can lead to dryness, irritation and damage. Gently rub the affected area, wash with warm water and pat dry.

In short, showering at night is a great natural acne treatment that can help speed acne healing. In fact, smart washing can and will do wonders for your skin. Just don’t overdo it, stick to lukewarm showers and enjoy your bath while you’re at it.

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