Auto insurance for new drivers is generally much higher than for drivers who are not considered new behind the wheel. Many insurance companies view new drivers as inexperienced, therefore they are considered a higher risk of being in a car accident than drivers who have been on the road for a long period of time.

A vast majority of new driver auto insurance policies are typically issued to high school students. There are different avenues you can try to take to see if your new driver qualifies for any of the major discounts offered by insurance companies.

Sending your new driver to driver’s education is a great way for them to develop some driving experience behind the wheel of a car. Insurance companies love parents who choose to send their children to drivers education. And for sending your child, your insurance provider rewards you handsomely with savings. Driver’s education discounts can make a big difference to your overall annual premium.

When the new driver is a student, you may want to ask about the different student discounts you can get for your new driver. Almost every insurance company you walk in with offers some type of student discount for new drivers who get their diploma in hand. It shows you that good grades are good for something.

If you are the parent of a new driver and already have an insurance policy, you should ask about the multi-car savings you can get by adding your new driver to your policy. The more discounts you can take advantage of, the lower your annual premium will be.

Many people believe that new driver auto insurance comes at a high price. But if you take advantage of the discounts available to new drivers, you should have no problem getting a bonus at a reasonable price.

Please don’t forget to visit International Vehicle Insurance which is full of free and quality information on various types of vehicle insurance.

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