Children are naturally curious when they ask about their surroundings and the rest of the world. Few children refuse to admire insects, even going so far as to pick them up, pet them, and often try to put them in their mouths for a quick taste test. Children marvel at bright rainbows, gurgling streams, fluttering birds and twinkling stars. Their curiosity grows as older siblings, friends, family, and parents inspire study and discovery. This curiosity is quenched when this same group is too quick with explanations, thus extinguishing exploration, or discouraged when it comes to finding answers through experimentation and wonder. Some of this reduction may be a necessity in a classroom full of students or with overwhelmed and exhausted parents rushing to meet urgent needs, but it’s sad to see kids go into “Just give me the answer” mode for the sake of fast teaching. And learning.

To retain and develop curious and inquiring minds, we need curious and inquisitive parents, teachers and school leaders. While tossing out the correct answer is simple and quick, it does little to ignite the imaginations of young minds, and thus, over time, children develop their “make it quick” mindset. Why show math work when you can solve it in your head (or by copying it from a friend)? Why delve into the cause and effect of an event when the aftermath is already visible? Why use hands-on experimentation when a brief glance on the internet will reveal the potential answer with no fuss or fuss? Why write an essay, letter, or take notes when novel thoughts and ideas are not acclaimed or encouraged? Why worry about thinking when instant multiple choice exam data throws up numbers galore that are offered as proof or fail of concept achievement? Why hire and mentor highly trained teachers when a computer program can store enormous amounts while speeding a class of students down an assembly line without worry or thought?

Because, as you might already guess, an excellent instructor armed with ample materials and tools, can personally reach, teach, and change lives that no surefire program or purchased media can. We don’t need more children in isolation. We already have this in today’s children, captivated by games, engrossed in fingers and addicted to electronics. See the next time you chat with a young person or teenager if they can make instant eye contact while you start a conversation. Many don’t, or worse, can’t, because they’re used to looking down at a device and not at a face. When the boy’s eyes finally meet his, conversation is often difficult as he is used to texting and not talking. Getting to full sentences is another challenge. When abbreviations like LOL reign supreme, one-word answers suffice as the preferred answer. And don’t even make me start writing. Between abbreviations, quick responses, spell checkers, and misspellings, formal writing recedes at an exorbitant rate.

As a teacher, it can be difficult at first, but over time it can bring children back to inquisitive and curious thinking and exploration. “And yes…?” “How…?” “Theorize and explain why…” are just three questions that should guide instruction and learning. Practice always trumps computer data generation; personal research and research always win an easy answer. Parents, you have an even greater responsibility to step up from birth with wonderful questions, situations, and experiences. While at times the repetitive “Why?” of a child can drive you crazy, focus on the amazement and surprise, the curiosity and wonder that you are creating. Relegate the video games to the closet, the TV to limited access, the computer to a far corner so you can re-engage and re-ignite the wonder of living and life.

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