It is important to regularly cut the etheric (energetic / emotional) cords of people who may be draining their energy. It is also not uncommon to have etheric cords attached to places, animals, and people that have died. When we think of someone, or someone thinks of us and we form an attachment, an energy cord is created between us and the person, the place or the being.

It is important to recognize when another person may be draining your energy, or leaving you feeling anxious or angry, or perhaps you are just feeling really miserable and like you are carrying a heavy weight on your shoulders. This may be an indication that there are energy cords connected to your spiritual body that need to be cut / severed. If these wires stay in place, you can eventually become lethargic, withdrawn, and in some cases even sick. Once they are severed, any emotional / spiritual ties will disappear and any Psychic Attacks you may have experienced will cease and you will notice immediate relief.

This all sounds really scary at first, but let me assure you that you will not lose ANY memories or thoughts, you are just getting rid of energy that you DO NOT need.

Cables are naturally connected to people all the time as we go through life. It is extremely important to cut these cables regularly, especially the ones that are not in our best interest and highest good. We can also connect cables naturally to people or places that we are not ready to let go of. People who have died are a good example of this because they are still energy beings, therefore etheric cords can easily run from our plane to theirs. Usually this is not a good thing because it can impede spiritual progression and development, not only for the other person, but also for ourselves.

A rope cutting ritual will help your energy field rise and vibrate at a higher rate. We also run power cables between our loved ones, for example our children, our partner, our animal companions, our family members, and this is normal and expected as long as the relationship is in balance and is in everyone’s best interest. those involved. What becomes harmful is when a relationship is not in harmony, that is when the strings must be broken.

There are many meditations that you can use to cut the etheric cords. I particularly like this one below. It is short, simple but very effective and can be incorporated by almost all religions. This particular way of cutting the etheric cords requires the help of Archangel Michael.

Start by sitting or lying down comfortably in a quiet place, however, you don’t want to be too comfortable to fall asleep.

  • Take a few slow, deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Inhale for a count of 7 1..2..3..4..5..6..7
  • hold your breath for a count of 7 1..2..3..4..5..6..7
  • and exhale for a count of 7 1..2..3..4..5..6..7
  • Repeat this deep breath for a count of 7 until you feel relaxed and your mind is clear.
  • Say out loud or in your mind: “I ask Archangel Michael to come and help me now.”
  • Wait a few seconds and feel the presence of Michael. You must know and trust that Michael goes to everyone who asks for help.
  • Now say out loud, or mentally, something like one of the following examples:

“I ask Archangel Michael to cut all the etheric cords attached to my energy and physical body.”
“I ask Archangel Michael to cut any etheric cord attached to my body that is negative and harmful to my well-being.”

  • Continue to breathe deeply and feel the energy cords leave your energy and your physical bodies.

You may feel a tingling all over your body as you ask to have the wires cut, perhaps slight dizziness or slight nausea, or you may even see and feel the wires sever and dissipate and disappear. The entire ritual takes literally less than 30 seconds to perform; the actual cutting of the cables only takes a few seconds.

A quick explanation of why you should call Archangel Michael may be adequate. This has nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, or Muslim religious beliefs. The Archangels and Angels are spiritual beings who are in a higher level of existence, their task is to help us, guide us and protect us. Whether you believe in angels or not, once you have successfully cut the harmful etheric wires, you will feel more positive and content with your well-being.

I personally cut EVERYONE and ANY etheric cord that is attached to me, whether it is hurting me or not, unless it is involved in ongoing healing (I ask that those cords remain). In my work I have to stay very clean and clear of any energy that sticks to me and that is why I can work with an open mind and heart.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me, in the meantime, I hope this article has been helpful to you.

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