The most satisfying and surprising thing to see in our backyard is the hummingbird. The way they speed up, float, and then drift away has always fascinated people. The bright iridescent colors that sparkle around the patio are a sight to see.

The best way to attract these fascinating creatures is by setting up some hummingbird feeders.

You can buy the nectar to put in these hummingbird feeders or you can make your own homemade hummingbird food. There are many recipes and you may not know which is the best option to use. Here are some facts to consider.

  • Never use artificial sweeteners
  • Never use food coloring
  • Never use honey or brown sugar

All of these are not good for the hummingbird. They are toxic to hummingbirds and lack the nutrients they need. Raw sugar can have minerals and a high iron content that is difficult for hummingbirds to digest.

Here is a simple recipe that will not harm hummingbirds and this recipe resembles the nectar that flowers produce. One (1) part refined white granulated sugar and four (4) parts water. Boil the refined sugar with the water until all the sugar dissolves. This formula can last 2-3 days in the refrigerator. It is better to use regular refined sugar than raw sugar. Because refined white sugar is pure sucrose that is commonly found in flower nectar. With refined sugar, all impurities and contaminants are removed. Hummingbirds supplement their protein diet by eating small critters and insects.

Most people think that once they hang their hummingbird feeders, their work is done. Well, think again. Be sure to maintain and clean your feeders. Having a mixture of water and sugar in hot weather will quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, it is a good idea to sterilize hummingbird feeders every 2-3 days with a fresh supply of nectar. All you need to do is boil the feeders as you would when boiling the bottles before reusing them.

With these simple safety steps, you can be sure hummingbirds come to visit your backyard year after year. Because when they know where to find food, they will always come back for more. Hummingbirds are migratory birds and will migrate in summer every year reaching as far as the Amazon in South America.

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