Are you still looking for the perfect organization tool?
Is your Filofax too bulky and heavy to fit in your bag and take it with you?
Have you tried a Palm or other handheld computer and found it difficult to use when you were on the go?

Your dad!! – Try simple 3×5 tiles, you know the small ones you use for cooking recipes.

Why? They’re affordable, easy to find, and they fit in your pocket or purse. They come in pretty colors so you can color code your projects.
eg one for family, work, personal goals, home projects, hobbies/crafts, etc. Note: If you can’t find the colored ones, use a colored marker to outline around the outer edge of the card. This is enough to help you quickly sort them into groups if necessary.

Here are some examples of how you can use them. (I use one for each project, but you can combine as many as you like on one card)

daily task list

shopping lists

Personal Goals: One for weekly, daily, monthly, and yearly life goals
Your life mission statement

favorite sentences

List of books on your wish list to buy (or those you want to read/find in the library, etc.)

To jot down your Hot Ideas when you’re on the go.

Record book and meeting notes.

Phone calls (work, business, personal, etc.) Also write down the phone number so you don’t have to look it up before calling.

Keep some blank ones in your pocket, purse, car, next to your bed to record dreams, ideas that wake you up at night.
Keep a stack by your computer to keep track of your passwords, favorite sites, and keyboard shortcuts.


I keep one with my credit card balance and record any new purchases as I make them so I can mark the transaction when my monthly bill arrives at the end of the month.

I am currently in the process of setting up a new bank account and have made a list of all the utility bills that we paid using auto pay from the old account and now need to report our new account details. I have all of this on a card and can check off each one as I complete it. With a separate card for this project, I feel organized and can immediately see how far along I am in this process. When I finish the project, the card comes out.

Oh, and by the way, don’t forget to use them to record your favorite cooking recipes.

I have a small plastic folding cover for my cards with two flaps on the inside that keep them from falling out. I picked it up in my stationery and it protects my cards from getting bent and messy in my bag. this is not necessary
since you can put them in any bag, but it is useful for me. My daily to-do list is always at the top, so I can open the lid and see my list.

I’d love to hear from those of you who already use tabs to stay organized. If you’re trying them for the first time after reading this article, I’d love to hear how they work for you.

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