When you live in an apartment, dorm, or even a small house, space is limited and you probably think that you can’t have an animal living with you. However, you can still enjoy having a pet for company. There are many small pets for sale that you can take home. Here you will find several options, as well as information on what it takes to keep them by your side.


These creatures are allowed in almost every bedroom. They are calm, relaxing and require very little attention. Fish food is cheap and easy to find. Maintenance is also easy, as the tank only needs to be cleaned once a week. They also don’t take up a lot of space; you can start small like a fish tank with a fish and then upgrade to a larger aquarium. In addition, fish are an excellent opportunity for children to start taking care of a pet, before they have a companion that requires more attention.

Hermit crab

One of the many small pets for sale is the hermit crab. These animals are quite friendly and eat any type of food; They especially like fruit. Hermit crabs need tanks that keep the humidity between 70 and 90 percent. Also, remember to provide them with a larger shelf as they grow.


Turtles are fun to watch and make great companions! They are perfect for people who can handle their pets gently. To keep a turtle, you need a solar lamp and a tank with areas of water and land. Also, you should keep the tank at 80 degrees during the day and 70 degrees at night. Ask your vet what to feed your turtle; some require a special diet depending on their age. Young turtles should eat 50% vegetables and 50% protein every day. On the other hand, older tortoises eat every 2-3 days and require 75% vegetables and 25% protein. When considering a tortoise, it’s important to keep in mind that these pets are very long-lived: some small breeds have lifespans of more than 40 years.


Birds are one of those small animals that are great choices even for families with young children, as long as the children don’t handle the bird. Birds don’t require much; you will need a cage large enough for them to do short flights. You can keep your birds happy by feeding them birdseed, giving them water, and providing some toys to keep them busy. The lifespan of a bird depends on its breed, but certain breeds last up to 30 years.


Rabbits are ideal for families with young children. To keep a rabbit, you need a litter box and cage about four times the size of your pet. It is highly recommended that you clean the litter box weekly. Healthy rabbits should eat plenty of fresh alfalfa, oats, or timothy, as well as pellets. A healthy bunny can live up to 12 years.

You can find small pets for sale in many places, but remember to shop at a reputable pet store to ensure your new pet is in good health.

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