One of the reasons people like to keep purebred dogs as pets is because you can usually predict how they are going to behave and what needs they have. This advance knowledge can help you choose a dog that you know will fit into your lifestyle. But did you know that purebreds make up roughly twenty-five percent of all abandoned pets? This is what the Humane League of the United States has discovered. You should adopt a Yorkie from an animal shelter or Yorkshire Terrier breed rescue center instead of buying a puppy.

You need to know some basic Yorkshire Terrier information before you go to the rescue center or foster home that takes in a Yorkshire Terrier rescue dog. The advantages for Yorkies are that they are small, need little exercise, and like affection. The downsides are that they need daily care, they need a lot of attention, and they often have accidents around the house. But these are things that can be fixed.

There are a few things to expect and prepare for before facing a Yorkshire Terrier rescue dog. You will need to brush your Yorkie daily and trim the coat once a month to keep the dog clean and comfortable. You will need to go to a professional groomer about once a month or learn how to trim your dog yourself. Grooming is a great way to bond with your dog.

Another thing about Yorkshire Terrier rescue dogs that you should know is that they can have home invasion problems. This is not because they cannot learn what to do. They have such small bladders that they cannot hold much. They need to go out every couple of hours. The good news is that many Yorkies can be litter trained. But you must wait and prepare for any accident.
Yorkshire Terriers, rescued or not, are all more fragile than other dog breeds.

They are even more fragile than a cat. However, the larger the Yorkie, generally the more hardy they are. Do not allow other dogs or children to play roughly with the dog. If a dog gets hurt, especially a Yorkshire Terrier rescue dog, he may bite out of fear that the pain has brought him. This gentle manner is one of the reasons Yorkies are popular with older people.

Another thing to keep in mind with Yorkshire Terrier rescue dogs is that they probably won’t look like Yorkies on televised dog shows. Many Yorkies may end up in shelters just because they don’t look good somewhere, rather than because of personality issues. Your Yorkie may weigh over seven pounds, have lots of black patches, may have a full or very low tail, may have an excessive bite or dewclaws. They are still purebred Yorkies.

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