There is a growing number of companies offering RTA contacts for law practices and claims management companies. Lead prices vary wildly from tens to hundreds of pounds per lead. What exactly do you have to pay and when do you have to pay nothing?

There are also several types of lead on the market. Hotkeys, survey leads, and web-generated leads are the most common. Hotkeys can range from £60 to £200, survey leads can range from £40 to £100, and web leads range from £20 to £90. Which of these prices represents the best value? -price?

Well, first of all, there are certain times when any of these leads are worthless and you should keep your money in your pocket. If leads have been generated non-compliantly or if they are not unique, they should be avoided at all costs.

If leads have been solicited by a lead generation company and then passed on to an attorney, they will not meet the SRA and Law Society guidelines. This can result in a huge fine, loss of the case, and unwanted future scrutiny from regulators. Avoid these tracks like the plague.

If the clues are not exclusive, they will be all for everyone and their dog. When he does call, it may be the fourth, fifth or fifth call they’ve had. Your chances of success are slim to none and you may again be reported to regulators.

When you find a source of unique and compatible leads, you just need to compare cost, conversion, and return. If you have leads costing £100 and you have a conversion rate of 1:3, each new case will cost you £300. Now if the return on each box is £600, you will make a 100% profit on each case. potential customer to buy.

You’d expect the highest cost leads to have the highest conversion rates, but that’s not always the case. Testing with multiple vendors is really the only way to assess quality and lead conversions.

The moral of the story is really to have multiple types and sources of leads in your marketing strategy. Keep a close eye on the performance of each campaign and only buy leads when you want them. Getting stuck in ongoing contracts and taking leads on blind faith is a fast route to massive losses.

By dealing with multiple sources, you are also protecting your business continuity. If you trust only one source and it goes wrong, your business can be decimated. By dealing with multiple sources, you’ll ensure that if one provider leaves you, alternative leads will keep coming in to keep you productive.

For more information on what to pay for RTA leads, you can visit the website They also have a range of unique and fully supported lead options available to fit every marketing budget.

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