If you want to learn how to attract men, here is another strategy straight from the male mind that you could use if you wanted a man to think about you endlessly. I know this works because my wife uses it with me all the time and I try to be aware of the thought that goes through my head to know why I am attracted to her. It’s about being subtle. Of course, this is easier said than done, but by combining subtlety with regular day-to-day interactions, you can empower your relationship and make men want to get closer to you. Here’s how to do it.

1. Play hard to get

This is the best way to be subtle. There is no reason why you should stop playing hard once you get married. Play it when you’re single and keep playing if you want your man to pay attention to you.

The theory is that by giving your man “little bites” here and there, he will always be hungry. You will get enough to enjoy the “taste”, but you will always want more. Play it nice and that will make him feel even hungrier.

2. Communicate in code

This is something else you can do with your subtlety. When you go out with your man, say with friends, talking to him or even reading the expressions and body language of others, your man will feel like he is in an exclusive club with you.

This is another key piece of psychology that makes men feel close to women. If you put us in a little secret club with you, we will feel special, making us feel more like we are in a stronger relationship.

3. Subtle anger

This is a way of combining subtlety with negative emotion. When women are angry at men and want us to pay attention to them, some women may just be angry and that will make their man pay attention.

However, some women are able to remain calm and show their man that they are angry with body language such as cold shoulder or distant with them. It drives us crazy but inevitably makes us feel closer to you.

If you want to learn how to attract men, subtlety is the way to go. We pay more attention to it, especially if you use it to make us feel like we are in an exclusive club with you.

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