You’ve spent considerable time gathering your tax information for the current tax year and are wondering how to file taxes online. When his nephew filed her taxes for the previous year, he gave her the paper copies to mail to the IRS.

After waiting around two months for his refunds, he realized there had to be a better way and he was right. There are a number of options available that will show you how to file taxes online and receive refunds in as little as eight days, not months.

The first decision you need to make is between filing a paper return or filing electronically. This is obvious. The paper is BAD. E-filing is the best way to go, hands down.

Learn how to file taxes online yourself – it’s so easy

Your next decision to make is whether to use a professional tax preparer or go online and file yourself. Take a look at last year’s return and see that you filed a joint married return, and the only W-2 was from your job where you worked as a mechanic. But wait, this year you have a second W-2 for a part-time job just across the state line and have taxes withheld for that state. Will I know how to file taxes online? You ask yourself, what do I do now?

The only other income he had was interest from his bank and reimbursement from his estate. In addition to his wife, he sees that his two children are listed as dependents. One just graduated from high school and is 18 years old. The other is in the first year of high school and is 15 years old.

The only other area to check is an Exhibit A which doesn’t seem too difficult. You only see real estate tax, mortgage interest, and church contributions. You already have all those forms available for the current year, so what can be difficult about this?

You think that to be really safe, maybe you should take the return to a professional tax preparer. He is curious as to what the cost might be because his nephew never charged him anything. You make a call to the CPA doing your friend’s deposition and let him know all the forms you have. It quickly gives you a quote of $350.00 for federal plus 2 state returns. You better find out how to file taxes online. Wow, you’re in shock!

You think about it some more and think that maybe you can do the return online yourself. His neighbor tells him about the online site he uses every year and gives him the URL of her online site. Now you can’t wait to get home to try it. This site should tell you how to file taxes online.

Dinner is over and you sit in front of your computer and type in the URL you got from your neighbor. You scan the landing page and really feel confident that you can handle this.

You click on the banner and you are presented with a login screen. It’s not hard yet. Answer the interview questions that appear to be simple and common sense. The program asks you to enter all of your personal information and then information from your W-2s and other tax forms you received. So far so good.

Before you know it, your tax return is complete and on the screen for you to review. WOW! The software program even knew that you qualified for a $1,000.00 tax credit for your minor child and entered all of your information for you on all tax forms and schedules automatically. In addition, he prepared both state returns for you. Now this is how to file taxes online.

Can it really be that easy? The obvious answer is yes, it really is. Do not hesitate, you are going to pay the form and you will see that the very low rate not only covers the federal and resident state form, but also the non-state form. No charge for additional state returns! Press the button to electronically file the returns and print copies for your files.

Eight days later, you stop by your bank branch and discover that your refunds have just arrived and have been credited to your savings account as requested. Right now, you are ecstatic. Everything was filed properly early in the season and his family’s vacation money is already in the bank.

The above scenario is a real-life experience from one of our clients, and he is now one of our best clients for new business. Do what he did, collect his information and see how to file taxes online as easily as he did.

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