Most people will agree that size matters when it comes to a man’s penis. It could be because you’ve heard too many parodies of Enzyte commercials, it could be that you had a guy who was too small for you, or it could be that you experienced a man whose size was in the double digits. Believe it or not, being too big can be just as bad as being too small.

Dating a hung man without knowing how to deal with an extra long penis or a wide penis can be difficult. Sex with a thick penis can actually be very difficult and even painful for many women. Although there will always be size queens who swear by them, most women prefer to have a little advice for less painful sex. These are some of the tips you will need to be able to enjoy sex with a giant penis.

Use sexual positions that minimize the amount of penetration you will get.

This means that you should try positions that make it difficult for your man to fully penetrate you. Avoid doggy style and other positions that fall into this category.

train him

Explain that it can be very painful to be hit by someone with a thick penis. Ask him to be kind and make him listen to your needs. After all, sex is no fun if you need a bottle of ibuprofen on your nightstand to get through it.

Learn to LOVE lube

If you have a partner with an unusually thick penis, they will need a lot more lubrication. Use about a quarter size of lube before you start having sex. It makes penetration so much easier for both of you and often turns that pain into pleasure!

Ask him for help.

A well-endowed man is often very, very aware of the pain he can cause a woman by going too hard, too fast, or not enough lube. However, communication will still be a good way to have better sex. Asking him if he knows of any remedy for this problem can be a very wise choice. (Note: ladies, if you can’t bear the thought of your current partner having a sexual past, you shouldn’t be asking this question…or dating, really. That’s just ridiculous.)

Calm down.

You will have to get used to the size before you can roll in the hay. Start slow and slowly increase the pace. Don’t try to take it all in one jump. Women often need to get aroused to the point where they can handle a large penis head or extra long shaft for that matter.

Buy toys

Finally, if it is an extra long penis, you can buy specific sex toys called “limiters”. These toys are essentially a thin ring of soft rubber or vinyl that slides over the base of the penis and limits the length it will enter the vagina during intercourse. They may seem a bit silly at first, but if your sexual relationship is fraught with anxiety from thrusting too deep, the freedom they allow can be wonderful for you and your man with his deliciously extra-large penis.

Getting used to a wide or extra-large penis can definitely take some time, but keep in mind that your vagina is just like the rest of the muscles in your body. You may not be able to touch your toes right now because the muscles on the back of your legs are too tight, but with exercise and stretching, the muscles will gradually lengthen and stretch to where you want them to go.

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