There is a saying in A Course in Miracles that “Nothing real can be threatened.” This brings me an enormous amount of peace during difficult times.

The ability to be confident in times of uncertainty means that no matter what I face, I am confident that the Divine plan for me is being followed. How do we trust that what is happening in the moment is for our highest good? How do we know we’re always okay? How can we trust that if we lose our job or our partner leaves us, we will not despair, stay there, fall down and not get up? One of my favorite sayings I’ve heard recently is a Zen saying: “Fall down six times, get up seven.”

Part of my soul’s journey has been learning to experience peace no matter what I face. I want my life to be free of emotional pain. I think this is possible. Here are five ways to help you tackle whatever challenges you’re facing.

Have you ever felt like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop? Try this:

1. Value every experience

Understand that there is always a silver lining during negative times and events. Being aware that it is not what happens but our perception of what happens that is the root of our suffering. It’s easy to value positive experiences, but what about negative ones? A supposed negative experience could be that the door closes before the next one opens. Find the gift in the negative experience. Ask yourself “What have I learned from this?” and you will be on your way to acceptance, trust and peace.

2. Remember “Nothing Real Can Be Threatened” from A Course in Miracles

This to me is the ultimate in confidence. Meditating on this statement can bring relief and peace. What does “Nothing real can be threatened” mean? If it’s a job you’re losing, know that no matter what’s “taken away” on the outside, the source of your abundance is on the inside. No matter what you do at work, you can offer gifts of kindness, love, and service no matter where you are. Being mystical means working for the light, for God. This is limitless and has no borders. In a love relationship “Nothing real can be threatened.” True love lasts, it is eternal. Feel the love that is within you, connected to God, generating energy and offering love. Remember that love is a journey, not a destination.

3. Question false beliefs

This can take a bit of work, but it’s very liberating. Start noticing your thoughts. What are you telling yourself? Ego thoughts are subtle and harmful. Are you scaring yourself, telling yourself that you will never win, have love, or succeed? Our thoughts are fear based or love based. Fearful thoughts are an illusion because only love is real. Notice your thoughts, question them. Replace fearful thoughts with positive loving thoughts. This will bring a feeling of calm and peace.

4. Understand that self-sabotage happens and can be fixed

On my soul journey I have worked on clearing my subconscious beliefs. Wherever I go, there you are. I believe that our past life experiences are in our subconscious and we may unintentionally be creating the same negative experiences over and over again. This is because we are meant to heal these false beliefs. Know that there is help and that these beliefs can be rooted out. You can experience happiness, abundance and freedom in your life.

5. Be patient, kind, gentle and understanding with yourself

Living without fear may be the ultimate in living a life full of joy. It is to transcend the world. Make every day an adventure of being kind to yourself. If you find yourself “beating yourself up,” forgive yourself. Tell yourself that you are doing the best you can, let yourself go. Treating ourselves like this helps us to be able to treat others like this, bringing Heaven to Earth.

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