The Insanity and P90X training are without a doubt the most popular and excellent training programs. Those of you who have already tried these shows can tell the difference they create when comparing Insanity and P90X to other shows advertised on television. And if you’ve already finished both programs, you can also tell what great results you achieved.

I bet you are now ready to take on a new challenge by creating a combination of these two programs. And even if you haven’t completely finished one of them, but still want to create a combination of both and keep your body fit, you should keep reading this article. Are you ready for a crazy challenge?

Both programs are excellent and each focuses on home fitness exercises that focus on toning or stretching muscles, such as P90X, or achieving superior fitness by working with cardio sessions, such as Insanity. Each program is designed to help you lose weight safely and in a relatively short period of time. You just have to stay focused and follow these steps:

If you want to train your body for more cardio and are not that interested in resistance, then the mid-week session for Arm and Shoulder should be substituted for Plyo Cardio Circuit. You can also add Total Cardio on Sunday.

If you are interested in keeping your resistance training on top and would also like to add more cardio to burn more fat and lose weight then you should not do Plyometrics, YogaX and KenpoX and start with Plyo Cardio Circuit, Total Cardio and also add Cardio Recovery Sundays.

You just need to follow any of those routines to get rid of unwanted calories and burn fat faster than you ever thought. Soon everyone will notice how good you look and how good you feel. Just think it will work, okay?

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