Having ripe, succulent fruit is an integral part of a healthy diet, and few foods taste better or are better for you! Whether it’s a crisp apple, a tender raspberry, or a delicious and juicy peach, fresh fruit is a healthy food that everyone loves. Having said that, buying fruit can be daunting at times because it ripens quickly and develops mold, but there are a number of ways to keep fruit fresh and part of your daily diet.

To prevent fresh fruit from discoloring, first peel and slice the fruit. Then fill a large container with about a liter of water and add two vitamin C pills (crushed) or a tablespoon of salt, then dip the fruit in the water. Dipping the fruit in lemon juice also works.

If one piece starts to spoil, remove it immediately, it will make the other fruit spoil faster. Check in regularly to make sure all your fruit is good.

Do not wash your fruit until it is ready to serve, this will help prevent mold growth.

Try to keep apples away from other fruits because apples release a lot of ethylene gas that stimulates the ripening of other products.

The fruit should be stored in the right place: strawberries, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. They should be stored in the vegetable container at the bottom of your refrigerator. Fruits like oranges, bananas, peaches, and pears should be kept out of direct sunlight at constant room temperature.

Here are some suggestions on where to store fresh fruit:

Cherries, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, rhubarb, blueberries, figs, blackberries, elderberries, blackberries and all varieties of currants should go straight to the fridge, they have already ripened and will stay fresh longer when refrigerated .

Oranges, apples, tangerines, grapefruits, watermelons, limes, lemons, and pomegranates will last a bit longer if refrigerated, but they can stay out without a problem, citrus is also easier to peel if kept at room temperature.

Bananas, peaches, all varieties of melons, pears, pineapples, avocados, kiwis, apricots, bananas, guavas, nectarines, passion fruit, papayas, mangoes, and plums should be kept out of the refrigerator until fully ripe, if refrigerated. Before they are ripe they will not be as tasty, nor will their texture be as good. Bananas should never be refrigerated.

Storing your fruit correctly will not only prolong its life, but it will stay at its peak of nutrition and taste better.

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