Poor people believe that they can do whatever they want, but that is not true. They are limited by their poverty. The rich can choose to do what they want.

For example, poor people have to travel by public bus. The rich can go by car or jet, or they can go by bus, they have a choice. That’s what money is for, to give you options.

Money is not a thing in itself, you have to take care of yourself and not be so focused on money. You may be surprised to find that poor people who say they don’t need or care about money are much more obsessed with money than rich people, and this is a very important key to success.

What frustrates me in my job of helping people improve their quality of life and character is that, in general, they think that paying for my time, or for anyone who helps them in the direction of improving their life, is it’s about money. . You have to get over this idea that knowledge can be bought. Money has nothing to do with it. Give thanks immediately when someone does something for you, consider and respect everyone, appreciate what you receive and show that appreciation, that’s what matters. But it must be a sincere thank you, which means it must have some kind of value.

If someone gave you some beans that could change your life and you didn’t plant them, then Jack, you disrespected the gift and the giver. Appreciation and gratitude is planting those beans and climbing the bean stem and finding your treasure. That is the best payment, make use of the gift and then, with your wealth, return it to those who need the same help that you needed. This is playing its role in the evolution of humanity.

What I want you to think of is that paying with money or gifts can be a way of showing appreciation, but money is not the point, gifts are not the point. What matters is sincere respect and appreciation. Money allows you to give something to show your appreciation. It’s very limited, but it’s often the only way we can do anything to show our appreciation.

The gift or payment is not enough, it is empty in itself. Giving a gift to a rich person is not going to change your life like giving food to a starving person. But the rich person has more to give you in the form of knowledge, information and guidance that can help you raise your bar in life higher than someone in total poverty, at least as a general rule, this is true.

So what can a wealthy person value that you can give that makes him feel worthy of his time? After all, successful people have more to do than they have time to spare. Sincere appreciation and sincere effort to use the gift of knowledge or other assistance that has been given.

Think about this and think about money in relation to this. Perhaps you get closer to understanding what money is that makes the difference between a rich person and a poor person. It is the different understanding about money that allows a person to have it in abundance.

Money is not a thing in itself. The money is simply the gas in the car, you don’t want to drink it or pour it on your clothes, but you do want to have as much as you can so that no matter how much you use, there is always more to use tomorrow.

How to cultivate sincerity

One of our students read this and asked a very good question; ‘How can you be sincere?’ You know you do things to show gratitude, but you lack sincerity and want to have that depth of character. This is a key factor that I will work on in an exercise and a detailed explanation.

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