Here is why Vishnupati is absolutely crucial for you:

Did you know that there is a time capsule (about 9 hours), which is unique and helps you fulfill your monetary dreams! You have only 4 solid chances to take advantage of this or the moment is gone forever!

There are ancient strategies and techniques behind “Vishnupathi” that help to increase your financial gains.

Vishnupati is a divine time capsule comprising only 9 hours, when miracles will happen! August 17 is that miraculous day. You can get ONLY four of those rare opportunities, so get plenty of merit to balance your karmic sheet! You will be astonished to know that even celestials are eagerly awaiting this period of time to realize unlimited merit. Vishnupati is surely the perfect time for charity, eating, rituals, poojas, Tarpanam (ancestral rituals) and even singing the praises of the Lord.

The rituals performed on the eleventh day of the moon / “Ekadasi” turn out to be the most powerful. According to the sayings of the great seers, performing poojas on Vishnupati day is equivalent to performing “Ekadasi poojas” for several years together.

Raise your energy quotient on Krishna’s birthday

Vishnupati falls on August 13, 2009, acting as a perfect harbinger for unlimited energy and novelty.

Lord Krishna, one of the most powerful incarnations of Lord Maha Vishnu, represents “fun and adventure”. His spontaneous and divine knowledge preached to Arjuna is popularly known as the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ (a sacred scripture of Hinduism), it represents the symbol of hope, guiding millions of humans through various yugas or Vedic time periods. Lord Krishna was born in the eighth lunar / ashtami phase of the Indian almanac “Shravana”. Krishna was indeed an absolute incarnation, and possessed all the characteristics that he “The God” should have.

Lord Krishna is presented in various perspectives: “a child god, a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero, and the Supreme Being.” In fact, he is the perfect symbol for fun, love and adventure, the greatest preacher of the Great Gita! He is the Spider-Man of the modern world!

Here is what you can do to stay away from financial constraints as stated in the vedas.

You should feed poor children and practice charity. Lord Krishna loves children and therefore bestows grace on anyone who shows affection towards Children! The two events present the right opportunity to enhance your prosperity and a happy life.

On Vishnupati day, you can chant prosperity mantras prescribed by Sri Dattatreya Siva Baba to regulate your money karma for abundant prosperity. You could also offer prayers to your ancestors, that they bless you with all the good things possible in life.

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