My boyfriend wants to leave me is something that no woman wants to hear said out loud. Knowing that the man you adore has decided that he doesn’t love you anymore or just doesn’t like you anymore is devastating. The moment he tells you, your emotions will take a nosedive. Unfortunately, many women in this position let those same emotions take control of the situation and end up doing or saying things that ensure the end of the relationship for good. Don’t let this happen to you. As much as you want to fight him over the breakup, don’t. There are very specific reasons why you should let him go if you hope to keep the connection between the two of you alive and thriving.

Men anticipate very specific reactions when they tell their girlfriends that they want to leave. They know it’s hard to hear that the man you love is above you, so they expect you to lose emotional control. This usually means things like repeatedly calling him to ask for another chance or enlisting the help of mutual friends to talk to him about the breakup. You feel the need to do these things because you honestly believe they will help. They won’t though. He will hurt your chances of getting it back.

The best thing a woman can do if her boyfriend wants to break up is to go along with it. Tell her that you understand how she feels. Explain that you feel a sense of relief now that you’ve been debating the idea of ​​breaking up. Just make it clear that you’re okay with the breakup.

You may be wondering how accepting that he wants to leave you will help you. The reasoning behind this is really very simple and plays on the innate human nature of a man. No one, regardless of gender, does well with rejection. It hurts when someone tells you that he doesn’t love you anymore. This is exactly why you have to accept that he wants to leave you. By accepting, you are in turn rejecting it. He will feel abandoned and alone even though the breakup was initially his idea. He won’t be able to tolerate that feeling for long. The knowledge that you no longer wanted him will eat away at his ego until he can’t take it anymore. That’s when he will decide that he needs you back.

It is not easy to achieve this. That’s especially true when every pore in your body wants you to reconsider your decision to leave. However, you must be strong and let it go for now. Show him that you’re fine without him and he’ll make him want you more and more.

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