There’s a lot of science out there that can be very helpful to people trying to have the best sex imaginable. Surprisingly many people are researching the most advanced sexual techniques in laboratories. So my good sex secret of the week comes from scientist Barry Komisaruk and his book The Science of Orgasm in which he discusses how we can have bigger and better orgasms.

In his book, Barry writes that the enjoyment of an orgasm for men is based on how strong each of the muscle contractions that result in an orgasm are. Men have 8 muscle contractions during an orgasm and each of these becomes stronger and more intense the more sperm the man ejaculates. Here it is where it gets interesting. If we have a large amount of sperm stored, our orgasm should be much more intense than if we only have a small amount, since our body requires many more muscle contractions to ejaculate.

So we would have to store sperm for weeks and weeks to have a monster orgasm, right? This is the part where it gets tricky, because if we store sperm for too long, the fluid is eventually absorbed by the body and the result is less sperm!

This is where diet and the correct spacing between orgasms become important:

Foods to increase semen production for bigger orgasms

The first key to having better orgasms is to improve your diet. Luckily this isn’t too hard and it won’t be one of those diet plans that makes you feel guilty even if you eat a cookie! Instead, simply adding certain foods to your diet will help you increase semen production for great sex.

The first type of foods are those that contain folate (folic acid and vitamin B9 are other names for this vitamin). These foods have a well-established track record of helping to increase semen production. Many healthy foods have high levels of this vitamin, so you get the added benefits of extra energy, too! Spinach, lentils, beans, sunflower seeds, “fortified” breads, and asparagus are good sources.

Lycopene is also a great sperm production enhancer. Most red colored fruits and vegetables (with the exception of strawberries and cherries) have high levels of lycopene. Tomatoes (thankfully including tomato sauce), green vegetables, and most of your favorite fruits (like papayas and watermelons) also have high levels.

The other important source is citrus. These fruits are important due to the high levels of vitamin C which is necessary for sperm production.

Space out orgasms and get the right amount of time between orgasms

After an orgasm, your body begins the process of increasing the amount of sperm it has stored to make up for the amount ejaculated. After about 3 days, the optimal amount of semen has been stored and the body begins to reabsorb any excess. Therefore, 3 days is usually the optimal time to have the best orgasm.

For maximum benefit, take your time with foreplay and sex. This will make sure that your body really makes sure that your body really ejaculates a lot when you finally orgasm. When you orgasm, it should really feel like an explosion.

With good sex secrets like these, who said science was boring!

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