Planning a vegetarian cookout and looking for menu ideas? It will be my pleasure to give you some delicious menu ideas on how to make a vegetarian barbecue. This article is aimed at curious vegetarians, aspiring vegetarians, and full-fledged vegans and vegetarians who just want to enjoy a simple barbecue with family members. If you are hosting a barbecue, don’t even mention that you are vegetarian. Cook up some of these delicious options and everyone will be so happy and satisfied they won’t even know what hit them. If you are going to barbecue elsewhere, call your host to mention that you are a vegetarian and that you will be bringing your own veggie burger or chicken or whatever else you want to bring. This will make your host aware of your vegetarianism and respect that you thought about bringing your own so as not to worry the host. For a carnivore, a vegetarian is often a very mysterious creature. Make it easy and enjoyable for everyone and everyone will be happy.

Menu ideas for a vegetarian barbecue

Portobello Mushroom Burgers: When grilled with a mixture of oil and spices or with a flavoring like barbecue sauce or balsamic vinegar, portobello mushrooms make great burgers and sandwiches. Grill large mushrooms that have been rubbed with oil or sauce for about 5 minutes on each side. Use a panini or ciabatta with mayonnaise or nayonnaise, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, and sprouts. Often called the veggie burger steak, this one is sure to please. (As long as your guests enjoy the mushrooms.)

Vegetable Tofu Skewers – This is a colorful, vibrant meal that will please most guests. Snack on some mini tomatoes, mushrooms, red onions, zucchini, and orange bell pepper along with marinated tofu cubes and you’re creating art through your barbecue. Vary the selections to suit different guests. Maybe Linda doesn’t like mushrooms and Melody doesn’t like zucchini, so custom skewers can be the perfect solution for picky eaters and varied tastes.

Vegetarian chicken: Not sure if everyone knows about this product? Vegetarian chicken is delicious! I know some extreme vegetarians say that all simulated meats are processed and therefore unhealthy or that they don’t want to eat something that tastes like the real thing. I know a lot more common people in North America whose diet would be very good. improved by swapping out fake meats for real ones. Vegetarian chicken has 24g of protein, 5% fat, and lots of vitamins such as 35% vitamin B12, 60% iron, and just 1g of sugar. Clearly a winning choice! Brush your chicken with barbecue sauce or spice for even more enjoyment.

Veggie Burgers and Hot Dogs – These are quintessential barbecue meals and vegetarians shouldn’t be left out. If you consider what’s in real hot dogs, eating vegetarian hot dogs is a much smarter and healthier option. Veggie burgers are very popular and are available in the vast majority of supermarkets in North and South America and probably the rest of the world (although I still haven’t made it around the world to check, hahaha!) Carnivores, the Best defense for a vegetarian are these 2 staples. Veggie burgers and hot dogs will get you out of a lot of awkward situations and go almost unnoticed by other guests.

Vegetarian accompaniments for outdoor grills:

  • Baked potatoes with or without herb butter
  • sweet potatoes drizzled with olive oil and cumin
  • French fries and / or sweet potatoes with oil and spices
  • corn on the cob
  • foil packet of mushrooms and onions
  • grilled red bell peppers as a topping for hamburgers or to eat as well

Vegetarian Barbecue Desserts

  • fruit skewers
  • grilled pear or peach with your favorite ice cream or dream rice
  • pineapple drizzled with honey and lemon then grilled with or without ice cream
  • The tortilla spread with peanut butter, a banana in the center, sprinkled chocolate chips, then rolled up and simmered for 8 minutes is sinfully delicious.
  • 2 thin grilled oatmeal cookies with a piece of chocolate in the center

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