English Bulldogs are the most gentle and friendly dog ​​breeds, although they sometimes have their own brand of stubbornness; They are very loyal to their owners. Due to their temperament, they get along well with other animals and make great pets for children. As a puppy, the English bulldog can be very energetic; however, this softens as they age. Being a non-sporting dog, they don’t like to exercise mainly due to airway obstruction, causing them to pant and breathe harder than other dogs. This adorable breed of dog, like other short-faced dogs, is quite prone to overheating and heat stroke, which is one of its main health problems. Despite this, owners should ensure that their dogs get enough exercise, as they can be prone to becoming overweight, which can cause other joint, heart, and lung health problems.

English Bulldogs are very sensitive to heat, although they do have their own cooling system like most dogs, the panting that cools them down is very difficult for short/stout faced dogs with an underbite, whether a puppy or a adult english bulldog Breathing is very difficult for this breed as they have small windpipes, some abnormally smaller than most. Due to their facial structure, it is also very common for them to have clogged or pinched nostrils, making breathing difficult. All of these issues combined can cause them to overheat and hyperthermia ten times faster than other dog breeds.

Symptoms of Overheating in English Bulldogs

Reading the signs of overheating can be easy if you know your English bulldog well enough to know that he is not acting normal. Watch for signs of extreme lethargy, irregular breathing, vomiting, and sometimes even seizures that can be signs of heat stroke for both adult bulldogs and puppies. Check your eyes and gums for signs of overheating. Look your pet directly in the eye and try to draw his attention to you, or use a favorite toy to see if he has trouble focusing his eyes. Check the capillary response time (CRT) of your gums by pressing your fingers on your gums, release it and count how many seconds it takes to go from white to pink, the normal rate is less than 2 seconds. The CRT check should be done with caution, especially if you have an irritable pet.

to do

If you fear your pet is experiencing heat stroke or overheating, there are a few steps you can take while you wait to get to the vet. English Bulldogs do not do well in hot or warm areas, so immediately move them to a cool and possibly air-conditioned room. Give him water, if he is a puppy you may have to resort to bottle feeding. Take a damp washcloth and run it over her nose and all over her body, or have her lie down on a cooling mattress or ice pack.

When it comes to overheating in English Bulldogs, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Don’t leave them out in the sun too long, give them light to moderate exercise and keep them well hydrated at all times and you can guarantee you’ll have a great customer who loves you more than ever.

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