With advances in internet technology, the sheer amount of data we can collect from the digital interactions we have with our customers is staggering. However, for many business owners, trying to make sense of all those numbers can be confusing and overwhelming. What seasoned bookmarkers know that newbies can’t be summed up in a few tips, which are largely concerned with how to find the data that’s most relevant and useful to you. Here are five tips for organizing your marketing data reports.

1. Start with the data you already have – Often the best place to start is with your own internet-based data – in other words, the data you get from analyzing traffic to your website. This data is often incredibly valuable and completely free after you create an account and install the Analytics tracking code on your website. Start by taking inventory of your existing audience.

2. Explore other channels and data sources – Beyond that, start exploring other data collection methods available to you, such as your CRM database, mobile apps and sites, and lead, inquiry, and sales records. of your sales team. Beyond this, you can further supplement your data collection by contracting with a third-party data provider. These companies can help you better understand how and why your customers behave in purchasing decisions.

3. Try to identify valuable patterns

Having a large amount of data is useless if you can’t identify trends in that data and act accordingly. This starts with identifying the highest quality data points you’ve collected and then putting them together to gain insights into customer segments. By playing around with your segments and looking at the data in different ways, you should be able to manipulate your analytics to design and execute successful marketing campaigns.

4. Use targeting for increased customer response

Once you’ve curated all your data and segmented your customers, it’s time to put that data to work. The typical way marketers do this is to target specific segments of their market with personalized messages. This leads to highly efficient marketing campaigns with an impressive return on investment.

For example, consider a company that notices that one segment of its product buys for value, while another segment buys because of the company’s green image. This company can send specialized messages to these separate markets to capitalize on their interest and passions regarding the product.

5. Don’t just stop at advertising

While you can easily use segmentation to design targeted ads, direct mail pieces, or email marketing, it’s also ready to be used in optimizing your content marketing platform. If you have a blog or website, you can start tracking your audience segments on your site and use that information to create a unique content experience, or content funnel, for each visitor.

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