Tantric massage is a type of massage used by Hindus to channel their sexual energies and increase their arousal. This type of massage was not only used for sexual purposes, but Hindus believe that tantric massage can help people become healthier.

Tantric massage is a great way to please yourself and your man. It can teach both of you to explore ways to please each other and you can also teach both of you how to hold on to your peak until the time is right for you to enjoy that highest peak of orgasm. Tantric massage can help you and your partner discover higher levels of orgasm, making sex a much more wonderful experience.

How to perform a tantric massage

Tantric massage does not necessarily imply sexual penetration for both to enjoy. What it is about is the stimulation of certain areas of the body so that you reach your maximum level of pleasure. What you are supposed to do is touch and massage all the sensitive spots in your partner’s area and vice versa.

When you want to experience a tantric massage in a massage parlor, you can do it completely naked or partially clothed. But if you really want to feel sexy, it’s recommended to take off all your clothes for that extra thrill. Better yet, ask your partner to learn tantric massage with you so you can do it in the comfort of your own home, where you can really let go of all your inhibitions. The more relaxed and comfortable you are, the more you will enjoy this sensual massage.

Before proceeding with the massage, you must first set the mood. Play light music so that both you and your partner feel more relaxed. Most massage parlors play whale music because it allows people to feel the calm of the ocean by removing all the stress from their bodies. So put on some music, dim the lights, and light some candles (preferably scented) and you’re ready to go.

massaging your partner

If you and your partner are having a tantric massage instead of going to a massage parlor, here are some exercises that can help both of you perform this massage efficiently:

For a little oil on your Yoni

Massage the outer lips in a gliding motion with your thumb and forefinger.

Massage the inner lips in the same way.

Gently stroke the clitoris in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Gently squeeze it with your thumb and forefinger. If she experiences too much pleasure, pause for a moment and let her take a deep breath. Resume the movement when you are relaxed again.

With your palms facing up, gently insert your middle finger into your vagina and bend it back so that it faces the palm of your hand. Try to feel for that spongy area just below your pubic bone. That’s the G-spot and when you’ve found it, gently massage it in circular motions.

· While massaging her G-spot, also massage her clitoris. This will definitely bring her to orgasm if done correctly.

Massage the Lingam

Now this is for women who want to please their men. Just follow these simple exercises and your men will be begging you to make love to them continuously:

1. First massage the entire body, intentionally avoiding the penis.

2. When you are relaxed, apply some oil to the lingam and testicles.

3. Gently massage the testicles. He may feel a bit anxious because you’re touching one of the most sensitive areas of his body, so tread carefully.

4. Massage the place on the lingam where the pubic bone is located.

5. Massage the place between the anus and the testicles. This area of ​​your body is called the perineum and it is also quite sensitive.

6. Massage the penis and gently grasp the shaft with your right hand and rub it up and then release. Do this with your left hand as well.

7. After moving your hands up with the lingam, reverse the movement and rub it down.

8. Next, massage the head of the lingam in circular motions. If it loosens, don’t worry. It will harden again in no time.

9. You can bring him to orgasm or back off and let him relax and do the procedure again for a more pleasurable orgasm.

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