When it comes to potty training English bulldogs, you need to have a plan of action before you begin. Then you should employ this plan as soon as you bring your English bulldog home, in fact the sooner the better. Doing so will help your pup establish a routine right away and make your job a little easier. To start your action plan, you should write a schedule on a piece of paper so that you know what time to take your puppy out to go to the bathroom. This will greatly reduce the chances of your bulldog having an accident in the house.

Your potty training schedule should be set up so that you take your puppy out right after he wakes up. Then you may want to feed your puppy and then take him out again about five to ten minutes after he has finished eating. You really should take a puppy out every hour or two, as they have small bladders when they are young and cannot hold it for long. You should then take it out after dinner and just before bed.

If you have to work during the day, you may find it easier to crate train your English bulldog. Crate training works well, but keep in mind that someone will have to let it out every few hours. This is not always easy to fix, but it must be done. Another thing you can do is use a baby gate to keep him in the kitchen and leave papers on the floor. This works well if your own schedule is a bit hectic and you can’t leave him outside to relieve himself.

Keep in mind that potty training English bulldogs takes time and patience, and you will have a few accidents that you need to clean up. This is to be expected and you should clean up any messes right away and deodorize the place with a good pet deodorizer. You have to do this because your dog will smell his urine there, even if you can’t, and he’ll think that’s where he should go to the bathroom.

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