Feminism, sexism, fascism, criticism or whatever ‘ism’ that is prevalent in this society has an underlying rule. If you misuse these terms, it will surely seem stupid to any asshole. The fraudulent use of powerful words to implement ideologies and rights has recently created a dent in this society. Well of course we could dismiss it as nothing less than a Freudian slip, but are we really going to be that ignorant?

Who is the best sex? Let’s not get carried away with that conversation just yet, in fact, let’s not get carried away with that horrendous topic at all. After getting through a series of internet debates and mindless brain pickings, I came across a group of people who describe themselves as an army of righteous beings fighting for the betterment of women in all walks of life. . But I saw a flaw. It was like a virus on our computers, disguised as a legitimate computer program.

They were the pseudofeminists. The black spot we’ve been dreading all this time.

Why can you ask? Why are they the black spot in this society?

Let me give you an analogy. What would you infer from a cancer advocacy volunteer advocating for a smoking ad? Or a gym employee handing out free hamburger food coupons? Scandalous, huh?

This is the similar case with pseudofeminists. They are the people (both men and women) who claim to be feminists but successfully ignore the true meaning of feminism, equality. You’ll know one when you see one. They are easy to see. They are the ones who chatter over and over about how terrible men are or how men have it easier in this world than they do. Such accusations can lead to false accusations of rape and denial of rape of men (Yes! Men are raped too).

Feminism demands only one thing and that is to be socially equal. Everything else you’ve heard is completely rude. Feminism is not misandry. They don’t hate men. In a world dominated by men, it is difficult to make a good impression on feminists.

What makes a pseudofeminist? Well, take notes.

1. Promote the idea that women deserve more than men.

2. Promote ideologies of how women should be in a society without the consideration of free will.

3. Discourage or patronize women who want to stay home or choose to be homemakers.

4. Condemn women who do not dress well or do not want to wear makeup.

5. Not giving men the benefit of the doubt when it comes to allegations of domestic violence or rape.

6. Degrading men who choose to stay home and care for the family.

The list goes on, but you get my point.

The word pseudofeminism has failed in true and honest people. Now when a true equality judgment comes up, this word has been slapped around by feminists trying to make a point.

We cannot blame them. The word feminism is a misnomer among most of these days. Society sees it as a ‘dirty’ word proclaimed by a group of angry women with a lot of time on their hands. It is very easy to say that you are pro-women, but most of them don’t even know the true meaning and reason behind it.

But can you blame them? No. Because feminism is abstract in itself, with a vague definition. You cannot assign a proven explanation or theory about the concept of feminism. Consider it an inexplicable emotion.

I’m sure most of you feminists want my head poked by now, but I urge you to be patient. Give me the benefit of the doubt.

We weld rape and harassment to feminism like peanut butter to jelly. When, in fact, it should be a concern for humanity and not a specific gender. When a woman is abused and raped it must be a concern for society, it must be a punch in the face of humanity because it can happen to men, transgender or any other gender that exists in this world. It is a question of moral fiber.

When a woman graduates with a degree of the highest standards and still decides to stay home, that is her choice and it is not an embarrassment to the education she received and it is definitely not an embarrassment to the women of society. This also applies to men.

However, along the same lines, aren’t women really more emotionally equipped than men? I once saw this funny video by Mark Gungor on how men and women think differently. He said men’s brains are made up of boxes and each box handles a specific job or emotion. While a woman’s brain is made of wires, every job, emotion, and memory are interrelated, one leading to the other.

I could not agree more. Both men and women are biologically equipped differently. We must accept this difference and not destroy it.

True feminists, both male and female (for example, Emma Watson and Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk)) are too busy working to achieve equality for all, they are not intolerant or biased. They fight for men and women. They don’t care if you want to work or not work, if you want to party all night or stay home, they don’t care about your job, your clothes, your appearance or your financial situation. But it all comes down to one thing.

If you are a woman who shares the status and authority level of a man, make sure you get everything they have and nothing less than greatness. Because we deserve it, both men and women. Opportunity and honor are the two cornerstones of life that must be given to men and women alike. Women should be able to join the toughest jobs like men, and men should be able to stay home and take care of the family. That is not what pseudofeminists want. They envision a world run by women and only by women. Consider it a mass genocide of men.

So dear pseudofeminists, you don’t get the added benefit of respect just because you were born a girl. You will get it because you are a human being and if you treat others well and so on. Please stop giving men a reason to consider us feminists as a joke. Stop embarrassing men who cry. Stop expecting men to be the breadwinner. Stop supporting patriarchy.

Instead, stand up and fight for the women and men who have been vilified by society as victims of rape and abuse. Defend equality.

Enough of the comedy “We deserve more than men.” Who are you kidding? You are not worthy of labeling yourself a feminist. Most importantly, don’t use the word feminism to make your weak, silly argument seem credible. We know a fake when we see one.

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