Have you been planning to potty train your pup? Puppy potty training can take many things to consider; patience, consistency and determination to name a few. Try to think of a way to further tame your little canine by showing him exactly where in the house he can relieve himself without causing lint. If you potty train your little darling correctly, you will avoid cleaning carpets, slipping on urine, smelling bad smell inside the house and other unnecessary things.

Lots of people have done it and you can too. Believe in the possibility that you can do it! Also, you have nothing to lose. Anyone can possibly train their little dog to go where they want him to go. All you need is patience, consistency, and determination. If you are clear about this, training your puppy will be a piece of cake. Here are three proprietary steps you should take first when potty training your little angel. In no time, you’ll be an expert at potty training puppies.

1. It is essential to have your own box that comes with a divider. Why do you say this is essential during potty training the puppy? Puppies, and dogs for that matter, have a basic instinct to keep their sleep as clean as possible. Of course, who would want to sleep in a dirty area? It makes sense, right? They will avoid at all costs not throwing rubbish in that area and will keep it impeccable to the best of their ability. Their sleeping area is sacred to them, so much so that they even consider it a safe haven. As far as possible, do not make that area a prison. Don’t lock them up because they did something wrong or broke something by accident. The dog can easily understand that you are punishing him and it would change his perception in that area.

2. Choose your most convenient area where you can do your business. You can even choose a place outside your house like backyard, front yard, garden, patio, wherever! Make sure the stain is clean enough and easy to clean up afterwards. Dog experts say you may want to make a certain measurement, such as a 4″ by 4″ area, filled with wood chips or gravel. From there, you can start leading the dog to that area until the dog does it on its own and so on. You can even use a bell to signal that it’s time for you to do your job and it will automatically go to that area and shoot.

3. Dogs have a keen sense of smell; therefore, you can use a scent that tells you to go to the bathroom. Some say this is the most effective trick in the book, but then again, it would take you years before your dog gets the hang of it. You may want to choose between two ways to use this to your advantage. You can buy puppy training aid that has scents that would make dogs pee. With this you can locate them in the areas where you want them to do their business. Or for a simpler method, you can soak a washcloth in your dog’s urine and use it whenever and wherever your dog urinates. Your pup will instantly pick up the scent and go about his business in that area.

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