Potty training puppies can be simple if you stay consistent with your training techniques. Whether you decide to crate train, paper, or puppy pads, you should continue with the same technique while training your pup. Changing the method you use to train your puppy can confuse him and make it take longer to train him.

Basic puppy potty training requires selecting a designated spot outside where your puppy can relieve himself. Once this is done, you will need to take your pup outside frequently to the same area. When he goes to the bathroom on her, be sure to praise him and let him know that he is doing what is expected.

You can also provide potty training to puppies using a crate method. This is where you get a crate for your pup to have as their safe place. This safe place is like your puppy’s den and he will eat and sleep in the crate when he is away from home or sleeping. Most dogs will not potty on their bed. Therefore, using the crate training method for potty training puppies can be a great way to housetrain your new companion. The crate should be large enough for your pup to stand, sit and stretch out, as well as sleep comfortably. There should also be space for their food and water if needed.

Other methods available for potty training puppies include paper training. This involves spreading paper all over the floor of a room that is set up for your pup. This room should be puppy proof and not contain anything that could harm the puppy. The pup will eventually find a place within the room as the place where it goes to the bathroom. Once this is established, you can simply place paper in the area where you relieve yourself. The rest of the room will be free of papers and an area for your pup to play, sleep and eat.

Some dog trainers have used other methods to potty train puppies. But most owners find paper training and crate training the most reliable and effective method of housebreaking their pets. The secret to successful dog training is to be consistent with frequent trips to the outdoor dog bathroom. Being patient and providing positive praise is also essential to properly housetraining your dog.

Never let your pup see you angry and never scold him if you discover an accident. This can hurt training and make your pup afraid of you. It can also confuse the pup about him, as she doesn’t understand that he is to go potty outside until he has properly trained it. To avoid confusion or fear, always provide positive feedback. Never let your pup see you cleaning up one of his accidents. This can also confuse your pup about what is expected of him. If you find your puppy in the process of going to the bathroom on him, immediately but calmly lead him out of his potty area.

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