Young children are considered to be at greater risk of choking because they explore objects with their mouths. Also, the airways of babies and children are narrower as they are still developing, making it easier for them to choke on food as well. Knowing these considerations, parents are encouraged to carry out the necessary interventions to prevent their little ones from drowning.

Steps to reduce your baby’s risk of suffocation:

1. If your child is bottle fed, be sure to check the bottle nipples and check for flow regulation. Too much liquid gushing into your baby’s mouth at one time can cause your baby to choke on the bottle and gasp for breath.

2. Cherries, grapes, and tomatoes are great snacks for kids. Make sure to cut them into smaller pieces before serving.

3. Put your baby in a correct posture during feedings; sitting him in a high chair and placing him upright on the floor.

4. When eating, hold a bottle or juice cup right next to you to help your baby swallow his food.

5. Babies don’t yet have the ability to hold their own utensils. It is important for parents to hold them to control the amount of food their child puts in their mouths.

6. Demonstrate chewing. Show your baby how to chew food while she feeds him. This will encourage him to mimic the chewing motion and ensure that she swallows small pieces of food.

7. Meat and poultry should be cut into very small pieces before serving.

8. Stay close to your baby during feedings. Never force your baby to eat or drink when he is crying or having trouble breathing.

9. Children under four years of age should not be given hard candy or raw foods.

10. Choking on toys is a common scenario for babies. Parents should always check their children’s toy. Children under one year old should not hold toys that are less than 2 ¼ inches long and 1 ¼ inches wide.

Home is where your baby begins to discover so many things. Keep your floors clean and free of potential choking hazards for babies, such as buttons, marbles, bottle caps, and lighters. Set aside an area for playing and crawling to prevent your baby from reaching for foreign objects.

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