Finding the right price for textbooks is important if you have a limited budget or need money to spend on other school expenses. Textbooks can be expensive, especially if you have to buy medical, science, psychology, engineering, or math textbooks. You could end up spending hundreds or thousands of dollars per semester on books if you don’t take the time to compare textbooks on websites and bookstores. Spending a few hours looking at book prices in stores and online could end up saving you money, even if it’s only a few dollars on each book. If you can end up with the newest or most viable version of your textbooks at an affordable price and have extra money for expenses like room and board, you have successfully used the resources available to you.

Looking at different websites, including auction and direct sales websites, to compare textbooks will help you see what is available. Many sites, including college bookstore websites, offer new and used versions of books. Newer books are usually more expensive than used versions, but you should be on the lookout for newer book sales. When comparing textbooks, keep track on a sheet of paper or spreadsheet of how much each website sells copies of new or used textbooks. Be aware of the condition of the books on the sheet of paper or document, especially if you are looking for used books that are unmarked or in good condition. Look for websites that help you compare book prices on other popular sites. When looking for prices online, keep shipping and handling costs in mind, as some websites have higher shipping costs. On many auction and sales websites, you will be dealing with individual sellers or companies who have set their own shipping costs.

Comparing prices online with bookstore prices will help you decide which method you will choose to purchase your textbooks. Try to think ahead because you will probably only have time to look at prices in bookstores and online if you try to buy books before classes start. If you have a book to read by the end of the week or next week, you can try comparing textbooks at local and university bookstores. If you are looking for a more specialized text, you will probably not have much luck finding it in a bookstore with a more generalized selection. While looking at prices in local and university bookstores, add the prices to a document or sheet of paper with the prices from the websites so that you can make an easy comparison. When comparing books in stores and on websites, compare the types you are looking for, such as used versions. If you are diligent, you will probably find at least some of the books for your classes at more reasonable prices.

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