One of the most important rules of successful dog training is consistency.

Dogs learn by association. If you are not consistent with your commands, praise/rewards and corrections, you only confuse your pet. That leads to frustration for you and your dog. Never work with your dog, when you are in that state. Your dog feeds on your energy!

Training a puppy is sometimes easier than training an older dog, simply because you have a clean slate. The puppies have no priors. They are like fresh clay; ready to be sculpted into anything YOU create.

Older dogs, especially those that have been spoiled, untrained, rescued, or adopted, occasionally require more patience and professional help. Bad habits, little or no training, or behavioral issues are not the end of the world when it comes to training. It may take a little longer; however, it can be done.

The first thing you’ll need to do is modify the old behavior to a new behavior. Most dogs of any age can learn just about anything if you’re willing to put in the time and energy to teach them. Be patient. Keep calm. Be consistent.

Before you even consider training your dog, do your homework. If you have a family, everyone should be involved. That way there is consistency with mandates, praise/awards and corrections. That regularity makes learning easier and less tiring for everyone involved…especially your dog.

Ask around. Find a local trainer who uses non-punishment, positive reinforcement training methods PLUS welcomes the whole family to participate in training your dog. That way everyone learns the same commands, praise/rewards, and corrections. Credible trainers know how essential it is for everyone in the family to work as a pack in an effort to establish their Alpha position.

Dog trainers don’t train your dog. They teach you how to be the pack leader your dog wants to follow.

The second thing you will decide, as a family, is what commands you will use. No exceptions, no variations, no excuses. When everyone uses the same commands, praise, and corrections consistently, your dog will make the associations so quickly his head will spin. You will feel like you have the smartest dog on the block!

For example, if your dog is a jumper, and your spouse says “DOWN” and you say “OFF” and your kids wear whatever they wear; your dog will not catch what is expected. Even more confusing is when a person changes the commands. Now your dog has no idea what you expect him to do!

“DOWN” is a command for the dog to be with the butt and elbows on the ground. “OFF” means off people, off other dogs, off the couch, off the cat, off counters, off the kitchen table… you get the picture. “OFF” is the command to use. When you are consistent, your dog will make associations faster.

The last thing you have to decide as a family is what your training schedule will be. An 8-week-old puppy has the attention span of a mosquito! Training sessions should be short, fun, positive, rewarding, consistent and frequent. If everyone works with him or her for 2-3 minutes, 3 times a day, you’ll be amazed at how quickly they learn.

For a 6-month-old dog, if everyone works 5-7 minutes, 3 times a day, the result of your efforts will surprise you! Make the training session fun. Dogs learn when they have fun. Everyone must be consistent with commands, praise/rewards, and corrections!

If your dog is over a year old and everyone in the house works with him or her for 10 minutes, 3 times a day, remember, keep it fun… you’ll have a dog you’ll be very proud of… you’ll blow your friends away and neighbors. They will think he or she is a genius and that you are the most amazing dog trainers on the planet!

Bottom line: make training sessions fun. Work what you are teaching your dog into your daily routine. Incorporate the commands before you feed them or put them on the leash. Their reward for following your order is that they get their food faster or go for a walk faster. If they don’t follow your order, wait a few minutes, come back and do it again. They will associate the faster they respond appropriately, the faster they will get what they want.

Stay calm, be fair, be firm and ALWAYS BE CONSISTENT. Works!

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