People walk on their residential carpets every day. It’s only a matter of time before your rugs get worn and loose. These carpet conditions can lead to unsightly appearances and accidental slip and fall accidents.

Fortunately, you don’t have to buy a new carpet when your old one has these problems. A quicker and cheaper solution is to re-stretch the carpet. Re-stretching a rug can significantly extend its life. It can also reduce slip and fall accidents and improve the aesthetics of the carpet.

Do not try to re-stretch the carpet yourself because the job requires the services of a carpet professional. But you’ll still need to prep the rug before the re-stretching technician arrives at your home. Then you can let them get to work right away with no hiccups.

Below are the four steps to prepare for a residential carpet stretching service.

1) Remove all furniture from the carpet

The rug cannot have any furniture on it. Remove the furniture from the carpet and store it somewhere else, like your garage.

The technician will not help you move the furniture. They will expect the rug to be ready for re-stretching upon arrival. To move the furniture, you will need to ask for help from family, friends or neighbors.

You can also hire a local handyman from a freelance platform like or to help you move furniture if you don’t have anyone else available.

2) Vacuum The Carpet

Make sure the rug is clean and presentable. The service technician will put their hands on the mat and move over it frequently. If he can vacuum and wash the carpet the day before you arrive, he will make your job much more manageable.

3) Clear a Path

The technician must have a clear path from the front door to the carpeted room. Pick up all loose items on the floor in the hallways. Remove any tables and chairs that might be in your way.

4) Keep pets and children off the mat

Keep your pets and children away from the rug after it has been vacuumed and washed. Don’t let them go back to the mat until the stretching job is complete.

Maybe you could send your pets and children to stay with a relative or friend until the job is done.


If you follow these four steps, your residential carpet stretching service will be a success. The technician must be able to do his job with no obstructions in his way.

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