In the midst of wars and economic crises, five planets aligned in Aquarius on February 17, replicating the famous lyrics from the musical Hair, “The Dawn of the Age of Aquarius”… when “Jupiter aligns with Mars” then “the peace will come.” guide the planets, and love will direct the stars. So goes the song, but apparently not the story.

Yet the United States has just cast off decades of prejudice to dress up a black president. That is more important than our current economic problems, because prejudices make cooperation between people impossible. If more people were working to achieve the same goals, we would be building the equivalent of pyramids. As prejudices disappear, we will be free to solve problems and interact creatively with each other. If you believe in human ingenuity, that will make all the difference. What if it is the case, as it has been throughout history, that one person makes a very big difference? What if Obama’s strength is his unusual mind and his ability to generate winning ideas and strategies? What if the disappearance of prejudices not only opens the door for solutions that Barack Obama could come up with, but other sentient beings come forward who don’t look like any of us!

On the micro scale, the messages from heaven suggest a three-part scenario that one is likely to go through on their way to “peace and love”, and it’s not like anyone knows when the age of Aquarius actually begins, or even if it really started. , but this seems to be the direction of evolution attested by our individual desire for inner peace and to experience love.

You may have noticed that with this last Mercury retrograde from January to February, people and situations from the past came up to be dealt with, deep insights and ideas came to your mind… you may have remembered past lives… you may have I tried things and associations in this period that didn’t work, and this was all to reveal what is really important to you now.

Then, clearer about who you are as an individual, clearer about your values ​​and priorities – triggered by the eclipses of early 2009 but taking as long as necessary – comes the next phase: removing what is not important or desirable now. This creates tremendous change, just as the world is going through tremendous change by removing the banking system as we know it, removing borders, removing fossil fuels and unfair relationships with people, removing bias.

The next phase for those who are pursuing within and who choose to change (and the Spirit of Change, it seems, will address each person directly on the details) will be on a mass level, people develop stronger character, a greater ability to love, and are warmer and more generous. Even the colors develop a new strength and warmth.

We start turning to each other wanting to connect, rebuilding ties or creating new ones. The message from heaven is: “We are all on a great adventure and we must forgive and forget the past. Believe in yourself and your dreams for the future.”

Welcome to the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, and for more immediately relevant guidance, check out your March 2009 horoscopes in my online client newsletter.

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