Walk into any bar, restaurant or liquor store and the range of spirits is staggering. There are literally thousands of vodkas, gins, whiskeys and spirits available to the consumer. While beer and wine tastings have been popular for several years, whiskey tastings are just beginning to find an audience. The reason? The idea of ​​directly drinking liquor can be extremely difficult for a person to grasp. For many, the thought of slowly sipping single malt or bourbon can be overwhelming. Enjoying spirits directly, that is, without mixers, has always been considered an “acquired taste”. However, while your taste buds may not acclimate to single malt if you’ve never tried it, there are some basic practices you can employ to make the experience enjoyable and open your palate to the wonderful flavors of the world of whiskey. spirits. has to offer.

If you are tired of ordering the same old tonic or cosmopolitan vodka and want to try something new, the following tips can make the whiskey-tasting experience more rewarding.

Why the apprehension?

One of the reasons that drinking high-strength spirits, such as whiskey, can be a bit of a shock to the system is the fact that it is high in alcohol. Many whiskeys are 80 proof, which means they are 40% alcohol by volume. There are some Scots and Bourbons that can reach over 100 degrees. Compare that to wine, which is about 12-15% alcohol by volume, and beer, which can range from about 4% to 10% alcohol by volume, and you can see why spirits have a big impact. . That hit can be felt immediately in the mouth, as the “burn” of the alcohol can overshadow any of the flavors that are present in the spirit.

The tasting process

Now you know that alcohol will affect your taste. So how can you go beyond that and really taste what the distillers have so carefully created for your enjoyment?

Tip # 1: know what you are drinking.

You are about to taste bourbon for the first time. Do you even know what bourbon is? What is it made of? This knowledge will help in the tasting process, and while you don’t have to be a bourbon expert to enjoy it, a little basic knowledge always helps. Bourbon is a whiskey whose predominant ingredient is corn, with the secondary ingredient being wheat, rye, or a combination of both. Knowing that little information will already prepare your brain to process the flavor. In addition, the bourbon is aged in charred oak barrels. Again, this image may evoke additional flavor descriptions, such as woody or dry, even a burnt taste. Carbonization removes the sugars from the wood. Know that it can conjure up images of vanilla or caramel. A little knowledge will help you prepare your senses for what to look for when tasting.

If you are not sure what you are drinking, check the bottle or ask your waiter or bartender. A little information can go a long way. My only caveat to this advice would be to initially avoid reading too many reviews online or in publications. Remember that a review is simply the opinion of a man (or a woman) and specific and detailed descriptions can have too much influence on your mental palate.

Tip # 2-The nose knows

Most of your taste comes from your sense of smell. As in wine or beer tasting, it is essential to smell or “sniff” the liquor before a drop touches your lips. This will bring out flavors in the liquid that you might not otherwise experience. With spirits, however, it is vital not to inhale deeply. The reason is that by quickly inhaling the spirit it will only fire the odor of the alcohol into the lungs and mouth, causing a burning sensation. This impact on the system will make it difficult for the real scents of the spirit to appear. Instead, put your nose in the glass just below the rim and allow the smell of the alcohol to slowly enter your nostrils. By slowing down the “sniffing” process, you will allow your senses to acclimatize to alcohol first, but will also allow the smells of the spirit to become apparent.

Tip # 3-Let the whiskey come to you

Like smelling whiskey, tasting shouldn’t be sipping like you’re at a college frat party. As the alcohol enters your mouth, allow the liquid to flow all over your tongue interacting with all of your taste buds. Again, this will allow the flavors to emerge.

Also, make a note of how the liquid feels in your mouth. Is it slimy, creamy, or crunchy? Is it a bit oily or thin? Known as “mouthfeel,” this is an aspect of spirit that will be lost if you don’t take your time.

At this point, it is important to mention that it is not necessary to swallow the liquor if you are actually doing a tasting, especially if you taste several liquors in a single session. Most, if not all, of a liqueur’s flavors can be enjoyed by spitting out the liquid. This author has rarely, if ever, spit out a good liquor, but if you feel the urge, don’t worry because you’re missing out on the entire tasting experience.

Tip # 4: pay attention to the exhale.

Whether you have swallowed the spirits or deposited the liquid in a container, pay close attention to the first exhalation you take. With the actual liquid no longer in your mouth, you will be able to pick up flavors that might not otherwise be present. Also, take note of the length of the finish. Is it long or short?

Tip # 5: adding water

Many distillers will tell you that adding just a small amount of water will “open” a liquor, specifically whiskey, but it can also be useful in gin, vodka or rum, tequila. In addition to slightly reducing the taste, the addition of water can “open” the spirits for additional flavors to emerge. For an ounce, adding just a drop or two of water will suffice. Taste the brandy both directly and with water and you will have two different experiences.

Tip # 6-Your taste memory

While keeping a tasting journal may work for some, don’t feel like you’re not taking spirits tasting seriously because you don’t write everything down. However, if you find something you like about a particular spirit, try to make a mental note of what it is. Whether on the nose, flavor or finish, by making a conscious effort to identify what you enjoyed, you can apply that “taste memory” to the next whiskey you taste.

There are what seem like innumerable tips on how to taste wine, beer, and spirits, and just like individual taste, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Experiment, try different methods, and find the one that’s right for you. The idea of ​​trying something new is to step out of your comfort zone and expose yourself to new sights, smells, and tastes. Health!

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