Flower of Life and Spiritual Transcendence    

The golden ratio or spiral is a unique relationship existing in the universe between the whole and the part and has been in our consciousness for more than 4000 years. From the golden ratio comes the golden spiral, whose familiar coil shape can be found anywhere in nature, such as in the structure of our DNA and fingerprints, sunflowers and seashells, storm clouds and tornadoes. Even a star cluster nebula like the Milky Way. The golden spiral, also called the flower of life, is a rotating pattern that is formed from a rectangle that has the golden ratio. What this means is that when this rectangle is squared it leaves behind a smaller rectangle, and this smaller rectangle also has the same golden ratio as the original and when it is squared it also leaves behind a smaller rectangle and this continues until the shapes become so small that you can no longer see them. In other words, it goes on forever.

When you connect a curve through opposite corners of these concentric rectangles, you form the golden spiral, and the fact that it appears in many growth patterns of plants, animals, and even entire galaxies, makes us wonder if this single shape is not the pattern. . of life. The principles of the golden spiral can also be seen in the design of buildings and architecture, as well as in art and literature. The golden ratios are found in music and even in light. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Chinese represent the golden ratio in their works of art. The Egyptians were probably the first to combine mathematics with art in the design of their pyramids. Pythagoras discovered the golden proportions of the human body and this has been portrayed by artists throughout the history of Greek art. Leonardo Da Vinci found inspiration in the mathematics of art and nature and it is almost certain that he painted to conform to the golden ratio, especially the proportions established in the Mona Lisa.

Literature can be based on the golden ratio in the structure of words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters and images. Just as we see the existence of the spiral in our fingerprints and galaxies and in the creation of pyramids and paintings, the golden ratio also appears within the pages of a book, including the cover design, and this can be incredibly inspiring to the reader. This pattern of nature can be seen within many forms of art and has a universally stimulating effect on the mind. Enlightenment can be part of this pattern: a communication that connects consciousness through the language of the Universe.

See the soul as a bridge between your mind and the intangible essence of your spirit, gently guiding your mind through a doorway of transcendence into a higher plane of consciousness. By bringing the flower of life into words and images, it can turn your consciousness toward a realization greater than itself. The golden spiral can lead you to the awakening of the soul. The flower of life is transcended from the physical-mathematical form by which it is most commonly known (sacred geometry), to a spiritual equivalent that we call unconditional love. This little flower of life becomes the pattern of love. Truth seekers, poets, and prophets teach love as the center of all things. When your soul connects consciousness with the golden spiral, you become love. Love is the infinite pattern of the Universe. And you too.

Our world needs to undergo an incredible transformation. We must heal our tired emotions and bodies. We must sincerely connect with spirit and love, the intrinsic nature of everything.

Most cultures throughout history, from the Aztec to the Celtic, have documented a significant correlation between physical form and spirituality, clearly expressed through their art and sacred geometry, such as the mandala; These beautiful and fascinating patterns have ritual and spiritual significance. Psychoanalyst Carl Jung identified with the mandala as a representation of the unconscious self and believed that these patterns were a means to the fullness of the personality. The discovery of the Mandelbrot Set, named after Benoit Mandelbrot, is a collection of numbers that form fractals.

These are objects that show self-similarity on various scales, so we can travel to the wonderful world of fractal geometry, slipping through endless repeating patterns of self-similarity that arise from a simple definition. Quantum physicists show us that the substance of our reality is shaped, if not created, by our own consciousness. Both the old and new worlds of thought now come together as science greets spirituality in a uniform field of thought. The Universe speaks to us and we must listen.

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