Moonstone’s magical play of light brings a romantic, sensual and seductive feeling. Moonstone is translucent and softens the light that shines through it to give a pearly moon-like glow that appears different each time the stone changes position. Years ago it was thought that it was produced by the phases of the moon.

Moonstone comes in colorless, white, gray, and subtle yellow, but always has a blue or white sheen. Rainbow moonstone is colorless with a blue sheen and a rainbow-like variety of colors.

moonstone folklore

Mystery surrounds the moonstone. In India it is considered sacred to lovers, and is also known as a “dream stone” that brings beautiful dreams. In Arab countries, women sometimes wear moonstone as a symbol of fertility. It was also believed to be especially protective for seafarers, who have used it since ancient times. During a full moon, the moonstone is very powerful in reconciling love, and as the moon decreases, it is said to predict the future.


A feminine stone for feminine problems and the inner child, but also used by men who want to reach their feminine side and understand dreams. Moonstone brings confidence, calms the emotions, and aids spirituality and intuition. Also thought to protect against fever, fluid retention and urinary problems. Its soft glow will support the emotional and dreamy side of a person. Wearing moonstone also increases your sensitivity to others.

natural moonstone

The classic moonstone from Sri Lanka glows pale blue and is now rare, very expensive. Moonstone from India has a cloud-like play of light on beige, brown, green, or orange backgrounds, and some have a cat’s eye or multiple ugly star. Uncut natural moonstone is opaque without the play of light, which is enhanced by the skills of the cutter. Classic moonstones are always cut as cabochons.


The price of moonstone depends on many factors. Intense color, and the larger and more transparent the stone: the more value. Premium Fine Blue Moonstone displays incredible three-dimensional color depth, which is only visible when the stone is tilted. The brighter colored Indian moonstones and opalite moonstone are cheaper.

moonstone opalite

Opalite moonstone is the most common today. This is a synthetic stone that looks like the genuine moonstone that has been around recently. Against a light background, the stone changes to a brilliant milky icy blue with a golden sheen of other colors. The pastel glitter is soft and captivating. This extravagance makes opalite ideal for a night out on the town.

Opalite always looks cool and refreshing, whether it’s milky white or striking blue, ideal for summer jewelry. If you are creative with your outfits, you can really have fun wearing this stone. A beaded belt made with opalite, for example, can be the perfect summer accessory for a brightly colored evening dress.

Taking care of

Moonstone is fragile and must be handled with care. However, a jeweler can polish a dull moonstone back to its original glory.

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