It’s obscene to me that in the age of technology and information so many are still in love with marriage. Gay marriage is being debated and fought for throughout the United States. Each state is trying to find out whether the union of two gay people is acceptable or not. I love a good debate, but it is clear to me that every marriage is wrong. Maybe, if not bad, marriage is definitely silly. It is unnecessary and a joke right now. It is sad to see the need and the thirst for this supposed union in so many citizens.

We start with the process first. According to our great society, someone is supposed to spend three to five paychecks on a diamond engagement ring. The idea is to spend enough money to show how much you love your spouse. The ring should reflect how much this person is worth. Silly me, I had the impression that we stopped valuing people when slavery ended. I didn’t know that we were still imagining a price when we looked at another human being. Maybe the next time you are looking for someone important you should sing “how much is that dog in the window”. Clearly, the Diamond Industry that fooled everyone long ago still has a very strong influence on the minds of our people.

Assuming your partner accepts this hugely expensive rock, the process continues. Now the real show begins! Now you and your future spouse must plan an elaborate ceremony and party to celebrate immediately afterward. Over the next few weeks, months, or years, the two of you and your families must plan how you will spend a fortune on this Circus we call a wedding. Your friends and family will judge you based on how impressive the circus (wedding) show is. The concept is to outdo everyone else in your inner circle who has been married and to make this event memorable for all who attend. Clearly, this scam should have died at the start.

Once you’ve got the whole thing planned, we’ll get to what’s probably the funniest part of it all. The state representative (usually a pastor of some sort) asks you to take your partner as your equal and partner for the rest of your miserable lives. You must agree to deal with this person through illness and health until you both return to earth and the deity in which you believe. Forever, all eternity, your whole life from that moment on, you will spend with just one person. Whatever happens, you will stay with this person forever. Eternity is infinite. What would make someone believe that this is possible or even that it makes sense to commit is beyond me. When I was younger I hated broccoli. Now I love broccoli. When I was younger I loved sugary cereals. Now I don’t like them at all. How can you honestly believe that you can remain in love and committed to this person for the rest of your life? I’m not saying it’s impossible, but seriously, who in their right mind would want to deal with a person’s personality and nonsense for so long?

Those are the steps to a traditional marriage. For centuries people have been doing my favorite type of marriage, arranged marriages. This is when your parents choose your spouse. SAY AH! What a joke. In this tradition, you give your offspring to someone else’s offspring simply because you (the father) feel that this person or their family would perfectly match your offspring or family. You can probably imagine how these people are chosen. It would be ridiculously easy for me to say well, I want my doctor’s son to marry my daughter simply because they are rich. Now my poor daughter will have to live with my doctor’s son or daughter for the rest of her life. She won’t have a choice, she won’t have a choice, or she will say so. She simply must follow instructions and tradition. For the rest of her life, like it or not, she will be trapped with this other person. You can’t be serious!

Also, a large percentage of marriages do not last forever. They end in ugly, costly, and heartbreaking divorces. Siblings separate, families separate, and relationships are abolished. All because at some point along the way something happened that made the couple realize that they were no longer meant to be together forever. Maybe someone cheated and got caught. Perhaps the children were neglected by one parent and the other overwhelmed parent realized that they are truly alone and should not remain legally attached to this person. It is a sad fact, but rarely does a couple last forever. Why ruin that happy memory of the Circus performance you once had along with an ugly breakup that shatters the once great union of two people and their families?

If you believe in forever, I won’t keep scrutinizing you. My question is why does your simple mind also believe that the state should unify them? Why would anyone feel that they must have a government document stating that they will be with their partner for all eternity? It is simply a government power play. There is no reason you need to make this set of money and “tradition” to live or cherish one person for your entire life. If you really love someone and are so blinded by love that you want to be with them until you take your last breath, do it. You don’t need to spend three paychecks on a ring worth less than one of your paychecks, spend a fortune impressing people with the Circus performance and the celebration that will follow. Mind you, I was kind enough to put the honeymoon aside. I only forgive you because it is as comical as the movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.”

If you dare to think about the reward system that the government has established for married couples, I will erase that thought too. If you feel that you must marry for medical or financial unity, then that too is a hoax. Another trick of the jester we call Big Brother. Yes, there are certain advantages to being married. However, these so-called benefits are simply what I said before. They are a bogus reward system. Those same things can be assigned by an attorney. You don’t even need to have the same attorney to do it. You can write a will and take other steps to give your spouse the accessibility you consider worthy. It may be a longer process but in reality you are saving money and avoiding the performance that society and the government want you to do in ring number three.

I declare that we should ban all marriage! No one should follow the elaborate song and dance that has become a tradition in our great society. We must empower ourselves by empowering people who we believe are worthy to share our lives with us. We should stop throwing away paychecks and ring advances that the diamond industry knows are actually worth pennies. We will no longer allow these monetary things to take over us and force us to follow social protocol. Shame on those who love to make others jealous by surpassing their Circus with a bigger one of their own.

If it weren’t for the desire to find an escape from the Matrix and free your mind, erase marriage from your life and vocabulary to free your pockets. You can spend those five paychecks on something more beneficial to yourself, your family, or your spouse. You can spend the fortune you would spend to put that circus act on something of real value. You can do many trips together with the same money; Instead of just taking a “big” trip to the place that looked great and was within your budget. Don’t focus on sexual purity and the need to wear white. Focus on your bank account or just the need to do the right thing.

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