Who doesn’t want beautiful, healthy hair? Of course we all do!

Personally, I believe, and of course it is true, that the secret to beautiful hair is not expensive hair products and regular visits to the salon. Still, we tried different hair care products to achieve those shiny hair goals, spending a lot of money (hard to earn!) to get the healthy locks you’ve always dreamed of. But, have you ever thought that expensive hair care products alone can’t help you live your dream?

Yes, let’s do an analysis right now. Your hair needs nutrition from the roots. Your hair also needs food. If basic, but must-have nutrients are missing from your diet, no matter how hard you try and visit salons, nothing can help you achieve those beautiful hair goals.

Let’s go to the Biology of your hair to understand what they really need.

The building block of each of those hair strands is PROTEIN. To put it in simple words, I will say that your hair is made up of protein. Protein-rich foods will definitely help your hair stay healthy. But, in addition to protein, hair also needs other very important nutrients. For example, iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin C, and biotin are necessary for healthy hair growth.

I have mentioned some foods below that are necessary to be present in your diet; Otherwise, get ready to face all those hair related problems and no expensive brand will be able to help you.

RICH PROTEIN FOODS: Eggs are one of the best natural sources of protein. Hair is made up of proteins. So include them in your daily diet to achieve those healthy hair goals. Ladies, add at least 23 grams of protein to your daily diet.

Other protein-rich foods include nuts, soybeans, dairy products like milk, curd, cheese, oilseeds, tofu, beans, and legumes.

Vitamin C:

Well yes, a dose of vitamin C definitely helps with lustrous hair. Vitamin C not only helps absorb iron, but also helps in hair growth, hair pigmentation, and promotes hair tissue growth. Ultimately, resulting in shiny hair.

Sources of vitamin C include oranges, Brussels sprouts, kale, red bell peppers, strawberries, lemon, guava, broccoli, grapefruit, and many more.


If you need thick, nourished hair, include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Generally, nuts and seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

It can also include walnuts, flax seeds, walnuts, spinach, kale, almonds.

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