Did you know that walking for weight loss is the easiest and most affordable way to make regular daily exercise a part of your life? You don’t have to join a gym. You don’t have to buy special shoes or clothes. You don’t have to be bored to tears pacing on a treadmill or other exercise machine… All you have to do is get up and take a walk around the block.

That’s what I do, and depending on the weather and my mood, I can vary the routine by choosing a different direction for my daily maintenance walks. I can go around the nearest block for a short walk, or I can extend my constitutional walk to several blocks and walk much longer. It depends on me, my mood and the weather of the day.

Sure, some people like to jog, but that’s harder on the feet and legs. I prefer to walk at a brisk pace, especially when walking uphill. It really gets the heart and lungs working, so you should too.

At first I hated the idea of ​​getting out of my nice warm bed 30 or 40 minutes early. But now this walking exercise program for weight loss is already working for me, because I feel much happier with myself and have more energy throughout the day. Even my girlfriend told me last night that she was acting longer and with more vigor in the boudoir. That’s been an added bonus that I hadn’t even thought of before. I’ll take that as a compliment.

Walking to lose weight is not a physical effort unless you are very out of shape and/or obese. But it tests your willpower at first. It is very easy to get discouraged and make excuses, as if you are too tired or too busy. The problem is that you are too fat and probably too lazy too, I know I have been.

But now that I’ve started walking every day to burn fat, lose weight, and improve my fitness, I’ve become more enthusiastic. I really enjoy these walks so much that this week I have started walking to lose weight twice a day: Once in the morning, before taking a shower and having breakfast… and the other walk I do in the afternoon after having eaten an early dinner.

You can walk for weight loss on your own, with your spouse or partner, or even with a group of like-minded friends or acquaintances who can turn a pedestrian workout into an enjoyable social event for all concerned. After all, if getting fit and healthy can be fun, we’ll be more successful doing it.

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