If you’ve seen Dancing with the Stars, you’ve probably wondered how they can effortlessly glide across the floor. In fact, ballroom dance classes have become more popular than ever since the ABC sensation aired in 2004. If you want to try ballroom dance classes but prefer to be a spectator due to joint pain, the relief is in sight: cetylated fatty acids (CFA).

CFAs provide all-natural, over-the-counter pain relief for people hampered by joint pain and joint inflammation. Unlike products you may have tried in the past, CFA supplements offer fast relief and stave off the aches and pains of arthritis and joint injuries.

If you suffer from inflammation from osteoarthritis or joint pain from injury, ballroom dance classes may seem like an unrealistic goal. However, you can go from spectator to participant if you know the secret to restoring flexibility and movement.

When combined with a healthy lifestyle, CFA supplementation can dramatically improve your chances of moving effortlessly again. Try it. Works.

For best results, combine CFA supplementation with these three pain relief strategies:

* Stock up on Omega-3 fatty acids. Fight joint inflammation by consuming “fatty” fish (such as Alaskan salmon), walnuts, and ground flaxseed in your diet. For best results with flax seed, grind it just before use. You can do it in a coffee grinder. Add it to oatmeal, cereal, or stir it into juice for a delicious, nutty flavor. Flax seed is also a natural cholesterol lowerer, so you’ll reap benefits beyond joint pain relief.

* Add antioxidants to your diet. Antioxidants prevent damage to the heart and body tissues. Stocking up on antioxidants can prevent early signs of arthritis and reduce tissue damage that results from arthritic inflammation. Foods like tomatoes, squash, broccoli, and peaches are rich in antioxidants. Choose brightly colored fruit. Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oil are also great choices, as are fish, meat, eggs, garlic, and chicken. Beans and grain products are also rich in antioxidants.

* Keep a healthy weight. Losing weight is a key factor in relieving stress and strain on the joints. Adopting a diet rich in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids can put you on the path to better health.

Here’s how CFA supplements helped Vicki L. in Matthews, NC:

“I have suffered with hip pain and back problems for years. After experiencing 2 herniated discs and a slipped disc, it got to the point where I could barely sit or sleep, much less walk. When a chiropractor started helping me walk again, the diagnosis was not just back pain but arthritis. A friend gave me a bottle of [CFA supplements] give it a try…almost immediately I noticed a change in pain!”

Why sit back when you can do everything possible? CFAs may be the key to a healthy, active lifestyle. Take ballroom dance classes. Run on a treadmill. Walk the dog every day. With CFA supplements, you may not be a prom star, but you can get back on track to a pain-free, active lifestyle.

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